Free Lance Investment Banker

Free lance Investment Banker
for Financial Syndication, VC, PE for the World’s Largest Portal

We have created a world class portal for the development of human beings into self reliant, abundant and affluent enterprising people to transform today’s social systems.


A great lot of effort and man hours have been put into it besides the promoters capital. Till now we are only supported by little bit of google ppc ads. We intend creating regular unique and original text, audio and video content on 24×7 basis hoping to cover the entire cosmos and the MINDBODYNSOUL.The time and new technologies are ripe now for the portal to be given a massive launch from this level ahead. We require funding to achieve this marvel as we are sitting on the richest treasures of original, real content of the Vedas and scriptures in the entire India with our devoted connections with the seers and sages, Yoga and spiritual lights of the Universe.
The portal wants to create and market online in house creations on Audios, Videos and other formats like IP TV.
We look for an experienced investment banker with hard core contacts and performance in the start up funding of second round for this portal which will be the search engine cum directory of it’s kind also in it’s field.The site will have some very high value e commerce services like matrimony which is the hottest product in this part of the world.Social networking, bookmarkletable, authority sites and online courses of many high quality subjects on nature care and alternative Healing System, Ayurveda, Yoga and Universal life force energy enhancement and healing for all groups men women and children.

Entire world with 6 billion plus people are our audiences and we shall always be there to hold their hands to walk them through their minds to make them realise that they are the light and sound vibrating and dancing enery children of the god the universal soul and are travelling the heavenly planet mother earth as spiritual beings of the divine light to get the human experience.The subject is very noble and for the investors there is lot of money in it in the activities of the portal mentioned above. The exit rout will be easy from now on to next 3 to 5 years. We are in fastest growing emerging market of world. The investors will be rewarded well besides their money doing great Philanthropic Activites. People dedicated to the cause of quality life and sciences for the developement of humanity with passion can join in on performance based remuneration from business plan to the final round of value based funding.The remuneration will be justified to the standards of the financial services business.

Author: admin