

accupunterThe word “acupuncture” is a European term meaning to prick with a needle. Acupuncture involves stimulating specific anatomic points in the body with needles for therapeutic purposes.

Acupuncture was an evolving part of the medical practices of the Chinese people and has been practiced in China for the last 3500 years. The first well-known medical treatise on acupuncture was the Nei Ching Su Wen (The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine). What is acupuncture? Because the traditional view of health and illness in oriental medicine is related to a proper balance of qi, or energy, in the body, acupuncture is used to regulate or correct the flow of qi to restore health. There are a total of around 365 accu-points on the human body. These are located on ‘meridians’ (basically 12 in number) each named after the organ they represent.

Normally our mind refuses pain, but if pain is fruitful it must be enjoyed .Physical emotional and environmental affectations disrupt the flow of Qi, due to this it might get blocked and cause trouble. Acupressure is used to redirect and return the flow to normal. A series of 10 or more treatments is usually prescribed for a chronic illness or physical rehabilitation. On the other hand, one to four treatments may suffice for minor injuries, a self-limited illness, or a seasonal “tune up. “How does acupuncture function” Acupuncture points have been found to have certain electrical properties, and stimulation of these points has been shown to alter the in the biochemical neurotransmitters body. Many of the therapeutic effects of acupuncture can be clearly related to the mechanism of neurotransmitter release via peripheral nerve stimulation.

Accupunture_2This mechanism is associated with changes in the balance of the natural physiological chemicals in the mind, which can be used for a therapeutic effect. Other therapeutic effects may be related to mechanical stimulation or alteration of the natural electrical currents or electromagnetic fields in the body. Our mind and soul according to Chinese, as they believe that the body balance is the result of two influencing factors- the Yin which is the female and the Yang which is masculine. The Yin is said to be calm and passive and represents darkness, cold, swelling and moisture.

The opposing yet complementing Yang force is said to be active, stimulating and represents fire, heat and contraction. The imbalance between these two forces is said to be the primary cause of all ailments. Recent discoveries have led us to believe that the body produces endorphins and encephalin, which dull the senses and are a part of the pain relieving system. Acupuncture is said to release these endorphins into the central nervous system thereby relieving pain. Acupuncture tools Some controversy comes from the “foreignness” of traditional Chinese interpretations of medical illness, and some may be due to an unfamiliarity with the existing global research base. Devices used in acupuncture to stimulate healing of mind, including the specialized needles, electrical stimulators, and associated paraphernalia, would be considered investigational on the basis of the perception at that time that the safety and effectiveness of acupuncture devices had not yet been established by adequate scientific studies to support the many and varied uses for which such devices are being promoted including uses for analgesia and anesthesia .

However efforts, made by acupuncturists, are best of their mind and purest of their soul but they always produces as good results as patient’s mind is ready for the process and believe in the therapy. Acupuncture is all about the wellness of mind and belief in the healing process through this Chinese therapy, one’s soul effort is to gain health in terms of body, mind and soul. If one is fit physically but his mind is disturbed then its useless to be fit and finally it will lead to a bad health. The Chinese developed this therapy over the years and believed to be working by their soul, and also its not about the belief only, its about the science too, our mind rejects illogical concepts, so Chinese developed this healing therapy on the scientific basis. Their soul effort is to give good health to the mankind. A health body and mind. Procedure the acupuncturist will feel the 12 pulses of acupuncture and this process is called palpating. It used by doctor to diagnose the disturbance in the flow of QI. Fine stainless steel needles are then inserted into the acu-points to draw out or disperse the blockage in the organs. The procedure of needle insertion is quick, painless and bloodless and the needles are rotated between his finger and his thumb. The depth of the insertions varies from 6 to 12 millimeters into the muscle tissue. The number of used varies.

The more practiced the acupuncturist the fewer are his insertions. How it feels The needles are usually inserted into the body for a period that lasts anywhere between a couple of minutes to half an hour. You should experience a slight tingling or a numbing sensation. You will start feeling better within the first 4 to 6 visits depending on the complexity of the problem. The more chronic the disease the longer it will take to heal. If you do not feel better within 8 visits then it would be advisable to search for an alternative cure because acupuncture is not being effective. Ailments where acupuncture is effective Acupuncture is one of the most thoroughly researched and documented of the so-called alternative medical practices. A series of controlled studies on the treatment of a variety of conditions has shown compelling, though not statistically conclusive, evidence for the efficacy of acupuncture.

These conditions are

. Angina
· Allergy
· Digestive problems
· Insomnia
· Tiredness
· Chemotherapy-induced nausea
· Asthma
· Back pain
· Painful menstrual cycles
· Bladder instability
· Migraine headaches
· Chronic pain
· Drug addition

Basic science research in animal models suggests that neurological pathways are the mechanism by which acupuncture relieves pain. There is also work showing acupuncture effects in treating veterinary medical problems, such as bacteria-induced diarrhea in pigs. Author’s viewpoint Promising early evidence suggests that acupuncture can be cost-effective in conventional medical practice settings as well. Acupuncture’s traditionally reported effects on improving the well-being of the whole person should be investigated using established psychological and behavioral health measures as well as standardized measurements of health status and quality of life. Since acupuncture is a procedural therapy involving an intentional interaction between the practitioner and the patient, acupuncture research is an appropriate area in which to investigate the interpersonal and transpersonal aspects of mind-body healing.

Author: admin