
NaturopathyAnything natural that you do to improve your health or stay healthy would be termed as naturopathy. It advocates a drugless, holistic, non-invasive type of therapy. Any naturopathic therapy should at all times assist the inherent tendency present in all living organisms, which is striving to restore biological integrity and balance.

The bottom line behind naturo-therapy is that the body has the power and the capacity to heal itself and all the physician has to do is help the body go in the right direction. The father of medicine Hippocrates also believed in this alternative type of medicine. The crux of naturopathy is opposite to that of conventional medicine; i.e.-relieve, repair, remove. As it is practiced today, naturopathic medicine integrates traditional natural therapeutics–including botanical medicine, clinical nutrition, homeopathy, acupuncture, traditional oriental medicine, hydrotherapy, and naturopathic manipulative therapy–with modern scientific medical diagnostic science and standards of care. They integrate this knowledge into a cohesive medical practice and tailor their approaches to the needs of an individual patient according to these eight primary principles: Vis medicatrix nature — or the healing power of nature. The basis of naturopathy is the body’s ability to heal itself. For a naturopath, many so-called “symptoms” are nothing more than the body’s way of getting rid of some underlying problem. Unlike your mother a naturopath would say ‘Yes’ you’ve got fever! This is because according to these doctor’s fevers your body’s natural way of getting rid of harmful toxins.

Sometimes nature needs a little help, though — and that’s where the healer comes in. Tolle causam.–“Find the cause.” Naturopaths believe that every illness has some underlying cause – it doesn’t have to be germs or physical causes but could be some part of the patient’s external environment- lifestyle, diet, or habits of living. To cure the patient, a remedy for this underlying cause has to be found. By suppressing the immune system of the body, you are doing yourself innate harm because you are weakening the powers of your body to heal itself. Naturopathy tends to use natural cures to help you deal with your affliction. Premium Non Nocere.—All this one means is first, do no harm. This third principle of naturopathy reminds healers to try the least invasive, least risky treatment first. Be holistic. Naturopathy_2 Naturopathy would be holistic in its approach and treat the entire person, his mind, his body and his soul, not just the obvious ailment. Naturopaths see disease as arising from a whole complex of factors — physical, emotional, social, genetic, and the like — so effective treatments should involve all of them. Prevention is the best cure. Naturopaths are even more interested in preserving health than in eliminating illness. That’s why they teach people how to keep themselves from getting ill by adopting healthy lifestyle habits (healthy diet, regular exercise, low stress, and so on) as well as how to keep minor problems from getting out of hand. They have traditionally been referred to as “drugless doctors.” In reality, naturopathy deals with wellness and relief from conditions, which are the result of stress whether from mental, nutritional, environmental or physical factors z. The following therapies are considered to be of primary importance in the naturopathic treatment of disease.

Nutrition and Dietetics:
NaturopathyAny naturopath would insist on a wholesome diet; less fat, more roughage, lots of liquid, regular exercise. All would finally make you stay healthy for longer periods. You do not have to lead a regimental routine but general abstinence would be beneficial. All this is based on the principles advocated by naturopathic practitioners for nearly 100 years and only now accepted as correct by the medical profession. Fasting: not eating for an entire day! And I don’t think I’ve ever been able to do that. Considering it’s been an age-old adage propagated even by Hippocrates.
 It allows the body to concentrate its resources on dealing with the disease rather than the processes of digestion. Fasting has recently begun to gain a reputation as an excellent and safe treatment for conditions such as obesity, high blood pressure, arthritis and rheumatism, various allergies and some psychiatric disorders. Structural adjustment: By such methods as osteopathy, chiropractic, neuromuscular technique, postural re-education and remedial exercises, the naturopathic practitioner seeks to balance and integrate the spine, muscles, ligaments and joints of the whole body.

This is the use of water, both internally and externally in the form of baths, packs, compresses, sprays and douches. Hydrotherapy is of value in most conditions and rightly applied can give remarkable results in the treatment of both acute and long-standing conditions. It is also accepted that specialized therapies which are naturopathic in principle and practiced by those qualified to do so may be considered complementary to the above methods. Among the therapies considered acceptable are osteopathy, chiropractic, relaxation techniques, herbalism, nutritional biochemistry and homoeopathy.

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