Astrology and Sun

The energetic Sun, if well placed in a horoscope, gives reputation and dignified position to the native. Strong and robust physical structure, stern skeleton, strong will-power and self-dependence are the boons of the Sun. Sun creates interest and enhances attraction of the native towards golden/gold-made ornaments, red colored attire, chilly & spicy dishes, leadership and governance or administration.

Planet / Star-Sun
Sign / Color-Leo / Copper
Nakshatras-Krittika, Uttaraphalguni, Uttar bhadrapada.


According to the Vinshottari System of calculation the ruling period of the sun is 6 years.

Deity of the Sun-Lord Vishnu

Wives of the sun-Diti (Goddess) & Aditi (Demon)


Virtue of the sun-Firm determination

Place of the sun-Temple

Tree-Pipal tree





With rising of the Sun God – the source of life, the entire world and all the creatures on earth return to life. They are engaged in their work during day hours and at sunset, all the living creatures throw themselves in the lap of slumber, after day long toil. It indicates that it is the sun, with whose rise in the morning all the activities on earth get activated whereas everything gets halted at the sunset. King of all the planets/grahas the Sun, in Vedic astrology, is called Ravi. The sun rules the sign of Leo. The sun occupies the most prominent place in the Zodiac. All the planets, stars and signs rotate around the Sun. The Sun is known as ‘Atmakarak Ravi’. This comes from the Sanskrit word ‘Atma’ meaning ‘soul’ and ‘karak’ meaning ‘indicator’. Therefore as ‘indicator of the soul’, the sun is life.

According to modern views:

According to the astronomical viewpoint, major part of the sun consists hydrogen. The Sun is, at present, about 70% hydrogen and 28% helium by mass and other metals amounts to less than 2%. Its temperature is estimated at 1 lakh degree Fahrenheit i.e. about 15.6 million Kelvin. The distance from the earth to the Sun is about 1.25 crore miles and according to some others viewpoint, it is considered to be 9,59,00,000 miles away from the earth. Its expansion is nearly 109½ times than that of earth i.e. 86,500 miles or from a different viewpoint 1200 miles and its mass is known as 330000 times more than that of the earth. The rays of the Sun take a time of about 8/11 minute to reach the surface of the earth.


According to our ancient astrological, mythological and Vedic tenets, the Sun is a highly combustible and lucent round mass who represents masculine, red color, gall or biles. He is regarded as a Lord of the east direction. In one sign, he stays for a fixed tenure of one month.

It is the Son who indicates about ‘Ayanas’. According to the astrological doctrine, there are two kinds of ‘Ayanas’ – Uttarayana and Dakshinayana. When, the Sun, according to his fixed motion, enters into Capricorn, the followers of the Hinduism believe him to be in Uttarayana and of course, he appears to be moving towards the north from his certain point. Entering of Sun into Capricorn takes place on 14th January every year and the day is known as ‘Makar Sankranti’ which has a great pious significance in Hindu families. The Sun is regarded to be in Uttarayana from 09 degree of capricorn to the 300 of Gemini sign and thus, he stays for one month in each sign i.e. Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus and Gemini and the entire period of rotation of the Sun in these signs is called as ‘Uttarayana’. Similarly, commencing his rotation from 10 of the cancer and reaching 300 of Sagittarius after travelling through Leo, Virgo, Libra and Scorpio, the Sun creates another phase called as ‘Dakshinayana’. During the Uttarayana period about all good deeds are auspicious to perform. Normally, ‘Dakshinayana’ period is treated as less auspicious as compared to that of the Uttarayana. However, it is a well-known truth that some of the holy ceremonies, festivals and functions of the Hindus are celebrated during ‘Dakshinayana’ period only. These festival days are considered to be auspicious for some religious, celebrations and pious deeds. It means to say, in brief, that in ‘Dakshinayana’ only festival days are auspicious, whereas the Uttarayana period is suitable for all the auspicious deeds.

Motion of the Sun is of two kinds as –

Annual Motion.
Diurnal Motion.

In accordance with the Annual Motion, there are 12 signs and the Sun stays in a Sign for one month. He completes his 30 degrees in a sign, in 30 days. It means to say that in a sign the Sun stays for a month and, thus, in all the twelve signs, stays for twelve months or one year. To make it more clear, according to the ‘Vikram Samvat’, the commencement of rotation of the Sun from the Sign Aries to the subsequent Aries is called as Solar year. At this point, it is pertinent to state that the Sun is stable and always remains stuck to a certain point and it is earth which revolves, at its own motion, around the Sun.

According to Solar year, the Vikram Samvat 2063 is running, at present. The new Vikrami year begins on the first full moon day of the month ‘Chaitra’. In Astrology, calculation of years, months and days has been done in Solar years, Lunar months and Sawan days respectively.

Diurnal Viewpoint:

The Sun is stable at its own axis and the earth rotates around the Sun at its own motion. In this process, the 12 signs come into its contact. The Sun stays for about two hours in a sign and, thus, completes its tenure in 24 hours, in all the 12 signs. This is called diurnal motion of the Sun.

Leo is the own sign of Sun. He is exalted at 10 degrees in Aries and debilitated up to 10 degrees in Libra. If placed in Leo, he is considered as ‘Mool Trikon’. Moon, Mars and Jupiter are his natural friends. Mercury is neutral whereas Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu are his enemies. He represents Krittika, Uttaraphalguni and Uttarashadha nakshatras.

According to corporature, astrologers have divided planets / grahas as ‘Atmakarak’ (indicator of soul), Chittakarak (indicator of brain & wisdom) and ‘Balakarak’ (indicator of strength, royalty) etc. In this sequence, the Sun has been regarded as a source of life – the soul. The Sun is the most powerful and lucent star of the galaxy. He has been categorized as a malefic star but virtually, he is a cruel but an auspicious star. He is potential in the seventh house from the end of the Ascendant cusp and Eastern Horizon. He becomes effectively strong (Cheshta Bali) from Capricorn to the consecutive six signs. The Sun has royal friendship with the Jupiter and fiery friendship with the mars – the Lord of the wars.

The color of the Sun is like copper and his deity is fire. His fluid is bitter and the place is temple. He is the lord of Leo. His attire is corpulent and the metal is copper. Similarly, he is the Lord of the sphere or ‘Ayana’. According to the principles of astrology, depiction about the features of the Sun is as under:-


A few curly hair, noble wisdom, dignified, stable, sound speech (Eloquence of speech), medium height, red eyes, brave, blackish red color, tiny feet, bilious nature, stern bone – structure enormous and strong – built body, shining with beams (rays) of equal length and width and donning saffron – color garments are the features of the Sun.

According to the Astrology, a native who has the above-mentioned Sun placed in strong position in his natal chart gets features like the Sun. In the destination potentiality or ‘Digbala’, the Sun is strong in the tenth house, and in place potentiality or ‘Sthanbala’, he becomes energetic in odd signs. According to the time – strength or ‘Kalbala’, he is powerful during day hours and according to effective force (Cheshtabala) he is strong during ‘Uttarayana’ period. In accordance with the ‘Dreshkanabala’ he is energetic in odd signs. During the first three parts of the day, mercury remains strong whereas during the second, three parts the sun is strong.


Subject matter of the Sun:

The Sun rules the aspects relating to Soul, father, physical structure, health conditions, power & strength, Lustre, Government Service, Govt. post, country, Metropolitan cities and capitals, conduct and character, self-confidence, powers, bravity, ambitions, personal dignity, royal ness, lordship, virtues, intellectual growth, fame, reputation etc. of a native are analyzed keeping in view the placement of the Sun in a horoscope. The Sun is also closely related to drugs and medicines. He is also an indicator of grief, disrespects, sadness and quarrels etc.

Impact of the Sun on human body-parts:

Backbone of the human body has major effect the Sun. Heart, brain, head, nerves, eyes, bones and blood are also affected by the Sun. What kinds of diseases may appear due to malefic Sun are as under:- Indigestion, Pepsia, Jaundice, Diabetes, Cholera, Fever, Fistula and Fissures, Headache, Diarrhea, Tuberculosis, eye problems and mental diseases may be anticipated due to malefic Sun.


The persons who are mostly affected by the Sun are King and Emperor, Rich & Wealthy, Noble, Government official, reputed and dignified person, Warriors and brave persons, Soldiers, jewelers, artists / performers of dramatic arts, chemists, druggists, dealers in gems and stones and goldsmith.

The Sun represents gold, copper, groundnut, almond, cereals, mustard, seeds, coconut, wool, red flowers and reddish cow.

After having known about the nature of the Sun in detail, we get to be familiar with why and how the Sun affects human-being.

According to the Indian Astrology the Natal chart or horoscope is prepared on the basis of the Sun. The place where the Sun lies in the Galaxy is known as ‘Kranti Vritta’ and the rotational route of the earth as ‘Kshitija Vritta’. The coincidence of the Kranti Vritta and Kshitija Vritta is called the ‘Ascendant’ – the main basis of a natal chart. On the basis of the Ascendant, personality traits, behaviour and nature of a person can be known. On the basis of this only, position of all the planets is determined in different houses of the horo-chart. According to the astrological views, the Universe was submerged in water, in the primitive era. In any point of that time a Lucent mass with aura like a ball of Fira came to rise and that was named as the Sun. This is known with various synonymous as ‘Savitra, Bhanu, Aditya, helley etc. With the rising of the Sun, the entire Universe came into being, this is why we, you and all the progressive human beings try to appease Lord Sun by Sooryopasana, Sandhyopasana etc. whether it aims at continuing well-being of the entire world and humanity, sharpening human wisdom or convenient movement of all body parts. Hence, in place of going in for further details, it would be appropriate to narrate about this, in brief.

It is only the Sun-God, who is apparent. Beginning with earth and Moon all the stars and planets are illuminated by the Sun. The Sun has been called as Hiranyagarbha in the Vedas and as such, a Shloka regarded as Mantra is also based on this nomenclature. No living being – whether on earth or in water, cast, creed or sect can survive without the existence of the Sun. Only the Sun is such God who is the life and soul of all and who instills life in all the creatures. Thus, he is the God. It can be taken as a conclusion of my rich experience in analyzing natal charts that a person, in whose horo-chart the Sun is emphatically strong taking in view Digbala, Kalbala, Cheshtabala and Ayanabala, he definitely succeeds in becoming a successful Govt. officer, a noble and strong administrator or a political leader with fame.

If you see the horoscopes of all the historical persons from the ‘Satyuga’ to the ‘Kaliyuga’, you will find that it is only the Sun who has been beind their fame, reputation, strength and power to rule. If all the stars or Grahas are strong except Sun who is weak or malefic, the person with such natal chart will get powers and importance for a very short period only. In the beginning, the person seems to be adequate powerful, but in a due course, the importance begins to mitigate as on account of Sun being weak in natal chart, the capability and energy of the person start reducing hurriedly. Even if Mars is very strong, but the Sun is weak, the person cannot have administrative or leadership capabilities. For example.


Sachin Tendulkar:

He is born in Virgo ascendant. The lord of the third house of Parakram (bravity) is exalted and positioned in the Angular fifth house or Pancham Trikon. As a result, everybody has witnessed his bat smashing boundaries like bullets, hitting sixes on appeals from spectators and making uncountable centuries. In spite of having been honored with the invitation letter by Sir Donald Bradman, called by foreign eminent players as ‘the God of Indian Cricket’, regarded as the backbone of the Indian Cricket Team and apple of the eyes of the whole country and its players and getting two opportunities to lead the Indian Cricket Team, he portrayed a sorry figure as a captain. Do you know, why.


In astrological point of view there is only one reason that the Sun is weaker than Mars in ‘Shadbala’. With this it is clear that human life is deeply affected by the Sun. In another example, there is Leo ascendant in the horo-chart of Tony Blair, the Prime Minister of Britain. In his birth chart the Lord of the ascendant – Sun is exalted and placed in the ninth angular house of fortunes and religion. This astrological position in his natal chart provides him with indomitable courage and capabilities to lead the country and thus, has created a ‘Rajyoga’. This is also true that the fifth aspects of Rahu on the Lord of the ascendant – Sun positioned in the ninth house caused troubles and he had to face severe criticism on his policy on Iraq. Nay, strong voices rose against him in the British Parliament seeking his resignation from premiership of the country.


Similarly, it has been my experience that the Sun placed in the eighth, tenth or eleventh house in cancer or Virgo sign elevates the natal to a famed politician, diplomat or provides the opportunities and caliber for leadership in some other field. So many historical and great persons continued to illuminate throughout their lives like Lodestar on account of being chiefly ruled by the Sun.


Nelson Mandela:

In his natal chart, the Sun is placed in the eleventh house, in cancer sign. As a consequence, the whole world knows him as a great freedom fighter and angel of peace.

Queen Elizabeth-II:

Exalted Sun placed in the centre of the birth – chart.


Steffi-Graff (a renowned Tennis Player):

Lord of Kendra (Centre) Sun placed in fifth house creates ‘Rajyoga’


Sir Don Bradman:

Strong Sun placed in own sign, in the fifth and Mars positioned in the Kendra made him a great, universal and unique batsman.


Lata Mangeshkar:

Lord of the Kendra – Sun placed in the angular fifth creates – ‘Rajyoga’.



Exalted Sun placed in the tenth house.



Lord of the tenth house of the profession sun placed in the Ascendant.


Rattan Tata:

The Sun as Lord of the ninth house of luck and fate, placed in the Ascendant creates ‘Rajyoga’.


Dhirubhai Ambani:

As a Lord of the ninth house of the natal chart Sun is positioned in the Ist house i.e. Ascendant.



It would be appropriate to conclude with the fact that the Sunrise causes a day, and the Sunset causes a night.

Similarly, the person, who in his natal chart has a strong, well-placed and well-aspected Sun, is destined to get all auspicious things and benefits in his life. Contrary to this, if the Sun is either weak or inauspicious, the native has to face troubles and adverse circumstances.

In conclusion, since the ancient days of the Vedas, upholders of the Hindu religion have always been following the practice to initiate an auspicious deed or function or religious ceremony with the worship of the Sun-od, honoring him as a witness to the occasion. This is being followed even in our modern age and will continue in future also. Beginning with ‘Har-Har Gange’ in the morning to the time to to bed at night and from ceremonies on birth to the last rituals, followers of Hindu religion cannot think of separating themselves from the Sun. For these reasons, the Sun has been prayed with a great sense of reverence in the ‘Yajurveda’ as – “Tachchakshurdevhitam……….. mam shatat”. In this prayer, it has been entreated that – “Oh Sun God, I could live for hundred years, my eyes could see for hundred years, my ears could hear for hundred years and all my physical organs (body parts) could be capable for hundred years”.

If the Sun is inauspicious or weak in the natal chart of a person, he can derive favorable results and optimize the position by offering red-colored pulses, red flowers, red sandal, red clothes and jaggery. Treating the Sun as supreme it has been chanted for the Sun in the Vedas as Surya Atma Jagatstasthushashcha”. If you want to keep the Sun God appeased and in favor, chanting of the following Mantra extracted from the ‘Shukla Yajurveda’ may be highly beneficial –

“Akrishnen Rajasa Vartamano Niveshayan Mritam Martyancha,

Hiranyen Savita Rathona, Devoyati huwanani Pashyan”.


Author: admin