For centuries women have been battling with excess hair on their body which includes under arms, facial hair, legs, pubic hair and so on
For some women problem of hair growth is hereditary and for some medical conditions like hormone secreting tumor, polycystic ovaries or hormonal changes lead to excess hair growth.
To get rid of excessive and undesirable hair growth many women spend high and continuous money. They make use of a large number of hair removal products, tools & kits to get rid of unwanted hair and to make their private areas silky and smooth. However most of the hair removal products that are available in market hardly ever deliver the desired results. Irrespective of the method you use for removal of hair be it wet razor or wax, you are bound to experience skin redness and swelling which in some cases leave skin marks also.
If you want one time solution from all these hair removal problems then you should opt for permanent hair removal method. As per experts, one of the most common and popular permanent hair removal methods which most women opt for it is the Laser Hair Removal.
In a Laser hair removal method, targeted beam of light or energy is passed from upper skin to the follicle through hair shaft. This beam of light or laser devastates hair’s root. During this process hair does not go off immediately but laser or light beam makes hair weakens which gradually with time falls out from the root. For better results some doctors may also use suction along with laser. This helps in giving better results as suction pulls hair thus allowing the laser or beam to go deeper in the hair root. Doctors are then able to target broader portion safely.
Laser hair removal generally requires 5 to 7 sessions along with touch up about every year after that. The total cost of laser hair removal ranges from $150 to $500. It may even be higher depending upon the treatment you require. As such there are no side effects of opting for laser hair removal but in rare case women complain of itching and redness but this lasts not more than 3 days.
If you are a woman that wants to look at your best then opt for laser hair removal and add to your confidence level.