Experiences within System Brahma Satya

At different places around the world, few people have experienced manifestation of physical items by itself.

These have been in the form of bangle manifestation (which has already been mentioned on this website), pendent manifestation and ring manifestation.
At different places around the world, few people have experienced the manifestation of Amrit through Sai Baba photographs.
At different places around the world, few people have experienced the self-lighting of diya (Indian style candle).
At different places around the world, few people have experienced the manifestation of Vibhuti in their praying area.
At different places around the world, few people have experienced the vision of orbs of light.

At different places around the world, few people have experienced the spread of fragrance all over the house or area that has even been in open space or crowded places.
At different places around the world, few people have experienced the manifestation of light glows on the photographs of frames of Sai Baba.


At different places around the world, many people have experienced visitation of angels and gods and goddesses, and have actually held real communications with them and drawn blessings from them.

At different places around the world, few people have actually experienced the flow of bliss in their bodies. A few of them continue to experience these on a continual basis frequently.

At different places around the world, many people have had advance intuition regards the evolvements on-going in system Brahma Satya.
At different places around the world, many people have had experience of actual manifestation following a dream like state.
At different places around the world, few people have actually experienced the tender lotus touch feeling in their feet and hands.


Many have executed critical healings through the technique taught in Brahma Satya Riddhi or use of Astral Healing Products or a combination of both. Many have benefited through these healing methods and are today in a much better state and condition that when they joined the system. Many have experienced a revolutionizing shift in their attitudes in a short course of time frame .Many are experiencing enhanced peace, happiness and abundance in their life. Highly critical and incurable cases have been well attended through these methods. Easiest methods of weight management (loss or gain) are becoming highly popular. Spiritual Rejuvenation and Spiritual Face-Lifts are becoming popular.


Author: admin