Pearls of Wisdom

Agnapushpanjal: An Awakened Soul


  • The attitude of convenience is the all worlds maha (great) mantra that is adopted so as to retain the comfort, which is the need that is thought to be that which gives the fulfillment of desires and happiness.

  • Truth stands because there is no untruth. It is just the angle from which it be seen in a dual or multi framed vision involving the other self that the truth transforms itself into untruth.

  • Darkness leads itself into light. Light can only burn itself in the darkness creating an illusion of dim light around itself. It is applicable even for the light for it also moves in the same circle of life. And what’s applicable for light and darkness is also applicable for hatred and love. Only the wise can halt this role of the end shiva in time to be in continual stay as love and light.

  • The true strength quality evolves from putting into practice the understanding of honouring oneself and others while never insulting others or be insulted by others.

  • It is with devotion, faith and surrender that any blessed offering from the divine is accepted. Once this is accepted, it is tasted through the use of one’s own hands. It is customary and universal practice that anybody receiving such a blessed offering from the divine shares this with others near around and thus spread this blessing. Now, whether this taste is sweet or sour, it is still the same blessed offering from the divine. All that is a blessed offering from the divine need not be sweet to your taste. The sweetness melts within immediate. It takes time and struggle to absorb the sourness within. With questions related to this sourness that is difficult to be accepted through its taste and its absorption within hence difficult, one can only give up the devotion, faith and surrender that one holds towards the same divine.

  • My faith and belief is based upon the deepest knowledge enrichly absorbed through its implementation. What be the issue of prevalent logical understanding is not the ground on which I stand.

  • As regards the questions addressed as to whether am still the same and spiritual, I can only say that even I am just flowing to experience the flow and that is to connect the earth and the sky with fire, air and water – all together, here and now and not at the horizon which is far away and ahead.

  • In the elemental field, guidance is needed. It can never be of the kind of walking a child along to cross the road. I too get these in the form of inner voiced communications. I don’t know if its Baba because it has never been said to me, ‘Hi, Deepak, This is Baba. Now listen…’ So your questions related to this are useless. What is relevant is the subject matter and how you can take it in. It has never been conveyed that it is easy to connect earth and sky. Social and mental traditions block this connection. One who wishes to make this connection has to move by oneself to find a way to make this connection. It is only after the connection is established that yet another project of unifying or merging of the earth and sky comes into effect. Blocking is not an issue any more with the social and mental traditions. It is breaking that definitely is with this transformed state.

  • To reach the truth, one has to see through the optical illusion. The see through ability leads one into the field of choice. This tests the endurance. Implementing the free will gives the ticket to reach the light beyond.

  • Want to know ‘Who I am’? I am that who creates vertical expansion through horizontal movements; I am that who looks into death so that the life be lived; I am that who transforms your insights.

  • Lord, I am ever at your lotus feet in eternal service of the love that flows through it. I am not steadfast in the practice of virtue; I possess no merits; nor do I even know my self. Yet just through my positioning from where I extend my service, I transcend the heaven and earth.

  • God is that love which manifests itself gloriously through the intimate relationships with the chosen self as father, mother, wife, husband, brother, sister, master, child and friend. This is the eternal manifestation of the loved of the beloved one that is God.

  • What you experience in the presence is real affection and care. What you miss is the love. It is non-existent in reality. Its images thrive in the society. Real life is an experience of it be sacrificed. True life is an experience of it be attained.

  • As said by Sri Satya Sai Baba – The knowledge that I transfer and the blessings that I give are useless unless they be put into true practice. The knowledge that is transferred and the blessings that are received are useful only to that extent to which oneself puts into practice from the level of understanding that one possesses and acceptance of it for oneself – As interpreted by APJ.

  • While I identify myself with the body, I am thy servant. When I consider myself as an individual soul, I am thy part. When I look upon myself as spirit, I am one with thee.

  • Dream Management – good dreams – consciously think as manifested; bad dreams – as early as possible, sit to heal. Rethink the bad dream & heal so as it dissolves in this single session.

  • Uplifting individuals to evolve on the level of awareness, doing every possible bit to enable individuals to transcend their pains & awaken the soul is the highest service. This service is never free nor ever a charity. Charity is the contribution that one makes to those who are engaged in doing some service. Charity is never conditional and nor is it ever any deal. The ones in service when grown into sizable movement form blend the charity within itself to expand its own field.

  • If you have a mission, you are missionary of Ram-Krishna mission. Work for self or other self. Be in flow to get it flow. Live the ideals or reset the ideals.

  • Your response is a reflection of your attitude. The activity that follows emerges from the observation that you made.

  • SBS is the field that is laid so that divinity reaches itself into the final unified state. As it does so it pulls to resolve karma, be liberated, attain salvation and reach nirvana.

  • Life is a journey; its purpose being one with God & merge in the infinite forever. Mission is the route undertaken. Vision is the outlook that be narrow or broad.

  • You’re blessed! Because you are unique. Believe it or not! You have great potential. How to tap it? Channel the energy into your area of expertise positively. Worship it.

  • The dead run the world. Death rules. Fear flows through all. One dead that comes alive transforms it all. Fear flees. Love flows. Hi! From a dead that’s got alive.

  • God is one peace – truth – love, that which is happy in service being awakened into enlightenment. God rules through caring true love evolving one into itself.

  • Thou are in my body and soul. In the minds darkness encircling us all, shutting out the vision, you are needed to just rise like the sun and dispel it all with thy light divine.

  • The deep raptures of ecstatic love are soul enthralling. Take up all attitudes to realize all divine manifestations, experience the love of beloved and know that the waves merge into the sea and ocean.

  • One who looks for happiness over the time can never be happy, because it can only be NOW. So can one be with gratitude, truth, love, now and not later. That’s my stand in strength. God can take even my self-respect, that which I had the illusion of having with me forever. He need not look for what else I have. Already told him what’s with me and asked him to take that also if he can. If can’t, then God is in to the deepest debt and has to return back all taken with interest. When put to move into a field of loss incurring business, beg to gain is out of question to me.

  • Have a great morning on this glorious godly day when God unveils its face to all. Pray to God so that it keeps smiling and blessing, when tears cannot stop from reaching it direct non-stop in every now that is.

  • Love (Prema) shall not stay unless Truth (Satya) stands up to live to its strength. With moments of truth, one can only get moments of love. Love is my next destination and I need for this the truth to stand to its strength in every now that is. Only then can I reach in to be love. The true light that removes darkness can take me there.

  • In Kalyug, those who put themselves upon the highest path of life are the ones who have unbelievable strength with the intelligence to deal with the cunning world. Realize your strength. I am you.

  • I came alone separated from myself. I live to find myself. I would die separated from all that is of my self and merge in eternally all of myself into the light that is me for all to see.

  • Lord Dhanvantari is with us. This is unique. Handle the kalash (sacred pot) of your life well and evolve yourself into transcending ascension. Be a master healer.

  • Every heart yearns for Pure Love and Total Freedom. It craves for a Blissful touch. In its attempt to realize this goal, it creates sentiments that can’t be gauged superficially.

  • Sound is the expression of thought. It awakens holiness in mind. With the mind awakened, sound is lost. One thus ascends into losing oneself in Divine communication, dispensing even worship.

  • Until Divine Vision dawns on you, you have to go along with sound. Your Guru systematically guides you through the path of sound worship. It’s your ignorance that misleads you from the path.

  • 1111 symbolizes unification of Agni, Vayu (Pushp), Jal & Prithvi, leading into further merger with akashic prakriti (nature). Also points to Akashic records (soul relations – son / daughter / father / mother / spouse / sister / brother / friend.) 1111 revolves around 1. This 1 is the Light of your house (within you), Light that you put inside and outside for all.

  • All that is invisible is filled with Infinite Brahman. Infinite Brahman permeates all that is visible. Brahman is Infinite although the whole Universe has evolved from it.

  • Gurur Parambrahma. Shishya should follow this and surrender to Guru. Work whole-heartedly to spread Guru’s message. Never test Guru. Choose Guru even above Divine to reach God.

  • There are 3 forms of worship – physical, verbal and mental. Physical is adoration, verbal is bhajan / japa and mental is meditation. The verbal form has been popularized because of its easy practice in modern times.

  • Vishnu says – Iron age (Kalyug) go with verbal worship. Bronze age (Dwapur) go with meditation – physical & verbal. Silver age (Treta) go with sacrifice. Golden age (Satya) go with meditation. You?

  • Krishna consciously lived the evolution in the world of reality. And in the process put the reality itself to live & experience the evolution. With passing time the Matrix grew bigger.

  • Unification shall be uplifting to all reaching into the Lakshmi Narayan state, moving through the Trinity and Shaktis. Even the Shaktis shall move through the Trinity. Goal Jyotirlinga (Third Eye).

  • To tap into the world of Jyotirlinga one needs to go into the depths of the closed third eye in a manner such that it stays closed and does not open. Om Namaha Shivaya.

  • Those looking forth for miracles need to understand the basics of miracles. LILA is MIRACLE. And LILA is nothing but L 1 L A that is, love one love all.

  • The key to liberation (mukti) is will, conviction and understanding; salvation (moksha) is strength, honour and perseverance; unification (nirvana) is free will, knowledge and one love.

  • Growth is what you wish for. You look around yourself so that you grow. Know that you grow linear or exponential as the system grows and your active role in its growth. Learn more the art of look beyond self.

  • What is thought to be real gain does not even last this life. What is experienced as true loss makes eternal impression in all lives. An inspirational move to recover true loss is ascension over life.

  • 99 times you are pushed one step back when fear strikes the weak spots. Its just one time that you shift 99 steps ahead and truly rise in love. Look for those powerful wise one steps needed so much to grow in to love.

  • Just for today, work such that there is no tomorrow and watch the sun rise tomorrow just the way you wished it would should.

  • Gita is an epic. It could not have evolved had Krishna been non-expressive or had Krishna been authoritative. Krishna is a realized master who has always encouraged self-awakening through options. This is the eternal love.

  • Krishnaism: One who drives dashes others; one who walks and runs falls; one who crawls hurts oneself; So best leave all these options and continue being carried as a baby.

  • Krishna, the complete avatar of Vishnu is the single magnificient form of Shiva ever created by Brahma’s maryada, dharma, karma purushottam Ram. He is the nearest and dearest of all Sri Shiva-Shakti.

  • Earth Sky, I love you too and it stays so all the same. I know that this is my last life. You have to move on. You will transform beautifully soon. Also it is so wish that all be happy. So do not cry, do not disturb.

  • Love seeks no rewards, Love is its own reward. That is the soul gain. The joy of loving and being loved. When it is directed to God, it is called Devotion (Bhakti). When it is directed by God, it is called Blessing (Ashirwad). When it is accepted whole heartedly for oneself and also shared with others it becomes Prasad. Prasad is that offering made to the divine which has been accepted by the divine and returned back to the one offering for it to be absorbed through wholehearted acceptance and shared with others with selfless love .

  • With myself absorbed in bliss, I fear not to cross the dreadful river of existence. But am sorry for the pitiable condition of those perverted souls who labour under the worlds dead weight.

  • The lamp of light (Deepak) brightens the surroundings with its light. Those who reach its flame get burnt. Those who reach its shade either get lost in darkness or enjoy the bliss of this shade. Space same but results different. From the position that the lamp is, it is clear that it cannot be understood and cannot approach anybody. What does it choose for others? Burn out, zero in or bliss? The lamp does not make the choice. The others make it for themselves. Those in fear for safety reasons should better stay away and enjoy the shine.

  • The lamp of light thrives on its base, wick and oil. The base is stable, wick is self consuming annihilation and oil is self consumed absorption. The world uses such a lamp to do an arti of the divine and seek its blessings.

  • Allow the lamp of light to be all-alone. It is ever consuming its two but three (2 wicks and oil) salient attributes while being firm on its own base. If you cannot leave this lamp alone, realize your position.

  • Know that for the lamp of light to be itself, it needs a base, two by one wick and an oil pool. Then the light spreads with inner fire glowing in air while it is invisibly fed through a water flow. If you are a part of such a lamp, know yourself.

  • If you are a part of the lamp of light, then you are either its single wick or its oil pool. While the base holds together the whole of this lamp, it can spread light only when its parts are unified in their independent roles that make up the enlightening of the lamp. The wick lengths, angle of the wick ignition and the oil volume decide the glow time of this lamp.

  • Life is a mystery unraveled. Beyond the sight of the blind and not. Beyond the hearing of the deaf and not. Beyond the speech of the dumb and not. To live in love is a quest of life. It is the true strength that is weak.

  • What is got through untruth is not got; what is lost through truth is not lost.

  • Soul connections are meaningful only after the consciousness has risen to a certain level. Before this, these are important just to the same level, as would be the other issues that come for resolution time to time. Nothing more or different than this. Even if this be so understood it moves as not understood.

  • Soul connections are validated in universe by miracles. That which indicates a valid soul mate signal. Valid soul mate could be of a different kind. The most important of all these kinds is the other counter form of the shiva or shakti that makes up the shiva-shakti. It is through this form that awakening comes and the field opens .

  • This is the most mysterious and secretive area in the journey of evolution towards the destination ultimate merger with god. This is also the area going through which many spiritual aspirants leave their house and worldly relations. The exception to this is Krishna.

  • With the opening of the fields, those in this field get pushed into a state of accelerated resolutions around the awakened soul. Here begins the big tussle between the material and the spiritual; reality and truth; right and wrong….

  • With each field point visions being around itself in the convenient mode, chaos becomes inevitable. This is the path that the greatest of all spiritual people follow but do not disclose this publicly. Rather, when it be so needed, this is shunned publicly.

  • The journey leads into the tunnel at ends of which is light. At one end is real light and at the other end is the true light. One is structured and the other is formless. One is lovely and the other is fearful. One is legal and the other is illegal….

  • Envision god to merge with god. Destination MAAN SAROVAR – KAILASH PARVAT: The abode of param shiva. The lucky ones see the ultimate divine light (AKHAND JYOTI) here. You can take a real journey to this place on earth availing the facilities offered by governments and travel agents. But, can you truly? For the true journey, you need to have the ability to know what is real and what is true.

  • Maan (inner honour and true acceptance) Sarovar (is above everything). This is the abode in which god (param shiva) dwells. It is beyond Kailash (many dead) Parvat (over this find that) Akhand Jyoti (that light which is undivisible).

  • Krishna is the single example that lived the evolution towards maha Vishnu with the key ‘maan’. A legendary example not based on sacrifice. Still one who accepted just one sacrifice and that is linked eternally with the name.

  • Krishna takes every shiva and shakti towards Vaikunth (that who is and/or I who is that) through Bhagawat Geetha (be one who flees over the song or the song makes one run or be one who sings and be the song) and transcend the limitations that each shiva and shakti has with the choice that is needed to be made on this journey.

  • The absorbed knowledge is that asset that provides the inner empowerment. It comes through understanding and realization. Endowed with such an ornament the beauty can be enhanced so that it becomes so visible. Its important to know the art of displaying these ornaments gracefully so that it becomes priceless and universally attractive. Rise ‘O’ Beautiful one.

  • Those who be on the path of highest service and for such move feeling: ‘Work is worship, Duty is divine’; ‘Blessing is truth, Love is god’ do get the strength that is needed to truly walk the path.

  • Difficulties enlighten us about our strengths. One who has oceanic patience has the strength for unbelievable feats. God itself becomes the charioteer as a friend, teacher or servant for those who offer their whole, that is, body, mind and soul.

  • One who achieves the highest possible goal for oneself is looked as one who is successful. One who achieves the highest possible goal for the other self is looked as one who is ideal. One who achieves both is looked as one who is godly.

  • It is ironical that ignorant, confused and weak people forget ‘Brahma Satya’. Involved in their own world, they look for it to be in there through extending their services from just in there. It is neither realized nor understood that the divine is only directing them to move truly towards the service of Krishna.

  • Those who wish to truly uplift need do just this: Always look what is inconvenient and difficult for oneself and then go and do just that; Continually remove the contradictions that exist between that what be the understood and that what be practiced; Choose either fear or love as a straight or clear stand point.

  • The heart is with one, the brain is with one; the body is with one, the soul is with one; the mind is between. It is a spectacle to watch the one who has the heart and soul keep searching for the same, and also to watch the one who has the brain and mind keep searching for the same. Thus, one can only bleed the mind and with it, the body and the soul. When would it be so that one looks for what be missing and not what is.

  • Only the mad can move on the true path. I am mad. I am you. You are mad. You and I are we. We are mad. Watch out! We are mad and we move to make all be like you, I. Says so is Krishna, who plays the musical flute. Mad love. Mad god.

  • You need to initiate and move to get what you know is lacking. Steer well, well focused when moving on the unknown track. Accelerate such that the vehicle does not topple at the sharp turns. When driving, make sure that you have the needed fuel filled in to pull through the whole distance.

  • Evolution into growth is the true enriched realization of the idealized inner and outer self. Growth into evolution is the real actualized unification of the inner and outer self.

  • The inner and outer self forever wishes to win. Win such that it stays forever and does not change into defeat over the time. It is useless to win such. It is the infallible belief factor of possibilities existing over such beheld impossibilities that hold the vital key for such to happen.

  • Common is our prayer, our purpose, our goal, our deliberation and our desire. Unified is our heart and our intention. Perfectly thus moves ahead, the union amongst us.

  • There is a deep in hi-techno world and hi-spirito world. All a matter of the 1 and 0 together. That is how telecom works on S(i)M which means ‘as I am, I am as, am as I’.

  • The guardian of eternal religion guides miraculously bestowing decisive strength to its true followers, when through weak commiseration the mind be thrown into confusion about duty.

  • After years of sadhana and tapasya, true spiritual realization continues to be illusive to most. By merely following the Krishna’s laid siddha path, most attain mukti, moksha and nirvana.

  • DEVOTE speech to narrate excellence, listening to wonderful glory, effort to performing work, thoughts to meditate holiness, respect to heartful abode and vision to divine righteousness.

  • Offer afflictions to the lotus feet, seek blessings and move into the sacred places with delightful worship through work, experience the charming ways, reach the inmost self of param shiva, i.e., Vishnu.

  • It is through moments of distress that the divine guidance comes on the art that is veiled by ignorance, differentiating attributes and movements through the senses, provided these be realized by the one sensing.

  • Gratefulness, truth and love while always being relative have ever remained unexplainable because of its dependency on individual levels of non-duality, knowledge, surrender and the environment of real existence.

  • I firmly believe that a realized truth needs and should be taken all the way with firm faith ever maintained in such a blessed truth. That I am committed to from all levels of my existence, i.e, the body, mind and soul. As regards others, each and every single individual may travel this journey as to the extent that it be possible from the innerly generated capacity to absorb this into true practice.

  • The followers of the rightful path raise themselves gauging appropriateness of the surfacing situations and keep moving themselves to and fro in the physical and spiritual worlds. Those following the path laid by Krishna move creating a world that is beyond both worlds for having merged both into a single world.

  • Reasoning is inconclusive as the human intellect differs. Even an assembly of all logicians at a common accepted location at the same time fails to conclusively arrive at a single idea truthfully. There is no way to get away from the defect of the upset in such a situation.

  • There is always a basic purpose behind every happenning. It remains to stand and guide towards the single commonly held goal. It is important to have the firm belief in what is got in the moment and accept wholly what it be so in the moment. It can be so if one could have the patience for evolution to occur wholly in its true form in the flow of time.

  • Hiranyagarbha is the indwelling self-source of the soul, mind and body in whole and complete unified state. From here emerges the akhanda jyoti in the form of a lingam that moves the adi-shakti through the karmic fields of real existence dissolving and resolving in as to reach into the hiranyagarbha. This source has its images too and it is these images of real existence that move into the practical fields of real existence so as to fulfill the cause.

  • Abstractness of expression, understanding and implementing leads one to a self-withdrawal directed into a shell of incompetence in a manner that is apparently a godly way. One needs to know and understand that competence exists even in the world of angels with every angel having its own level of competence in executing tasks. The degree of competence that one can attain is based upon the true nature of the inner-self: desire, drive, ability, persistence and non-prohibitive movements. The search of this core-self fulfills for one to lead oneself to live such. In the sphere of fiery existence shall any one so seek get one-self to sacrifice bloody flesh in the honour of air that be breathed in and out continuously and thus reach one-self out to drink water so as to quench one’s own true inner thirst.

  • An individual soul is a mere imagery reflection of the supreme soul. It is just a part of the whole and functions as an agent of the super distributor. It itself housed into a mind-operated body is connected with a limited number of bodies. While it can reach itself out to the unified mind levels with a few embodiments, it cannot be so with others who are incompatible. In its journey of growth, it moves to at first tap into these few compatible embodiments and then move further to expand its own field into the supreme field to the maximum extent that be possible for itself. Invariably, in this journey it already is in acknowledgement of its limited reach and ability to move into the supreme field and hence moves itself to be merged or engulfed into complete unification with another compatible soul operating at much elevated levels of existence and thus move the further journey not as itself but as the elevated soul itself.

  • For empirical activities, a vague idea about one’s soul is enough and knowledge on the subject is not important. When one knows the inner self, one loses all kinds of self-identification and the impossible happens.

  • Creation is an act that must have an agent. For any creation, it is natural that a union occurs and for this union to occur, it is mandatory for the matching unifying parts be there. The highest creation can occur from the highest levels of existence connected with the physical existence, and that is from the level of the soul, which is housed into a mental casing limited by the physical boundary. It is the soul that originates in to parts. While the subject of a creation can be the two halves, the origin is not this and nor is what be originated even if it forms the basis of a material action that evolves from the caged embodiments.

  • It is No to all: a) Live full normal world like and forget everything else about the spiritual path (the level of the body). b) Live for the spiritual purpose in a spiritual manner and forget everything else about the normal kind of worldly life (the level of the soul). C) Live total business like and forget everything else about the righteousness that belongs to the worldly or spiritual life (the blended level of the mind that incorporates both the body and the soul within it). When one is unable to make a choice for oneself to choose any one of these options that pertain to the body, mind or soul streams, that is, one is unable to make a clear cut separation between the body, mind and soul for oneself, why is it that I am bothered to keep the body, mind and soul as separate from one another?

  • Fire is the most important element of and for growth. It is meditated as the light that connects with god. It is the inner drive that can bring heaven to earth. This is reflected by the actual expansion that one does for the system and not for oneself. Oneself grows by itself without any efforts specifically put into it in accordance to the growth that one brings into the system through direct self-involvement in system expansion and upliftment. This is not success. This is growth. The difficulties that one encounters to get the system grow is not the systems limitation. It is the individual’s limitation because of which the individual is unable to move in the unified dual stream of heaven and earth. One must not flee under godly excuses here in such an environment.

  • Unless the top becomes a winner, how can the others win? SBS so far is a story of immense talent improperly marketed. The reason for this being such is the practice of self-centered development and lack of committed resolve due to social existence fear.

  • While Ganesha is a straight forward arrogant stern faced imbalanced pushful thrust, Maha Ganesha is full wisdom, deeply knowledgeable and a master who can get the sky concepts to work on earth with perfect harmony through precise task execution. Maha Ganesha is also called as the Siddha Ganapati. One is needed to get oneself out of the Ganesha mode into the Maha Ganesha mode to get the success of Balaji in.

  • Truth is a mark of purity and a point of ideal reference. It is the representative of sky. It is useless in its pure form. For it to be of high value and craved for, it has to be mixed with some impurity and made attractive in appearance. It has ever been an ironical practice that always asks the truth to be guaranteed. This is a working law that prevails on earth.

  • Dream is important in spirituality. It is a vision or a feeling pertaining to yesterday, today or tomorrow. It differs with the people as per their cause and effect, that is, their karmas. Dreams are always subjected to a doubt and so also is the one who is dreaming it. The way to remove this doubt is known to the enlightened soul. One’s role is limited to realize the similarity that exists in the subject rather than the differences that are quite obvious in the same.

  • The one who mastered wisdom and happiness said: ‘I do not care to attain mukti, moksha or nirvana and nor do I care about any devotion. To hell with these. These are not important. What I do care for is that I be able to do my duty to let flow what I know as much as I can, continually stretching this ability of “can”, without bothering about myself or others such that expansion and spread occurs to my realized firm beliefs in the society through absorption and sharing and thus get you to drop the illusions that you carry along consistently.’ This referred person is ‘Swami Vivekanand’. He attained Nirvana.

  • Life is all about relationships. These relationships exist on the level of body, mind and soul. While these relationships are merely looked through the certifications accepted on worldly levels, these are actually meant to be realized. The more that these be realized, one is able to fulfill the life’s very purpose. If these are looked at from a different angle then it could well be put up as existing as given for each of the following on the levels of body, mind and soul. Individual: comfort, direction, initiative. Wife/Husband: intimacy, similarity, unification. Mother/Father: growth, discipline, wellness. Brother/Sister: sharing, support, fame. Child: attention, understanding, impress. Friend: companionship, affection, success. Teacher: listening, appreciation, implementation. Student: closeness, knowledge, surrender.

Author: admin