Sri Vidya

Sri is an ancient spiritual science created under the command of Lord Vishnu. The science is also known as the Sri Vidya.

This is based upon the elemental science of following the concept of Shiv-Shakti. But follows a much simpler path that can be adopted by almost all baring a few exceptions.This is the science that deals with success and survival of the fittest. To explain this in its simplicity, it goes like as below: From Sri evolves Shr-i and Shr-i-mati. In short it means that the element ‘i’ has to understand that it’s ‘mati’ is elsewhere. Once this basic element is understood can the ‘i’ move.

‘i’ is the shiva
‘mati’ is the shakti, and,
‘imati’ is the shiva-shakti
‘mati’ means ‘buddhi’ or ‘working brain’, or else read otherwise, the shakti is the working brain of shiva.
Something that is very difficult for the shiva’s to accept, but the fact is so. It is in the interest of the shiva’s to understand this fact and accept it.

‘mati’ also means ‘bhumi’ or ‘earth or ground’, or else read otherwise, shakti is the working force of shiva.
Something that is very difficult for the shiva’s to accept, but the fact is so. It is in the interest of the shiva’s to understand this fact and accept it.
‘mati’ can well without an effort convert to mat-i
‘mat’ means ‘opinion’, read otherwise meaning that shakti is the force that reiterates the opinion of shiva and thus transforming itself into ‘imati’ the potent and powerful force.
‘mat’ also means a ‘negating instruction’, read otherwise meaning that shakti is the force that nullifies all of shiva crushing it from all ends.
The elemental basis of the Sri is such that while Shri Shiva is the initiator, organiser, planner and decision taker and the one to declare completion, Shrimati Shakti is the processor, mover, executor and influencer and the one to signal that it is time to declare completion.

It is through the Shrimati Shakti that Shri Shiva is opened up to express, and it is this open expression that brings glory to the whole project, be it called a project of Shri Shiva or Shrimati Shakti.
Sri defines that anything that comes forth without an expression or explaination is Shiva and by itself Shiva is meaningless. Anything that comes with only an expression or justification without any of its base or foundation is Shakti and by itself Shakti is meaningless.

And anything that has a base and is well expressed is Shiva-Shakti that is glorious and magnificient. It is this glorious magnificence that spreads by itself and succeeds all over.
Sri defines that if Shri Shiva initiates anything, it is the responsibility of Shri Shiva to invoke its own Shrimati Shakti and explain that what be initiated to all those upon whom it is imposed upon and complete the project. Unless done so, the every such project that is initiated by Shri Shiva stands incomplete and is like an ocean of deadly poison to which it subjects others to.

Sri defines that if Shrimati Shakti, as a rare occurance initiates anything, it is the responsibility of Shri Shiva to accept this initiation because Shri Shiva has himself actually initiated the supposedly intiated step by Shrimati Shakti. Also Shri Shiva in this case does not need to invoke Shrimati Shakti to process the initiation because Shrimati Shakti has already begun processing. Shri Shiva can only in this situation terminate the initiation. If termination is done by Shri Shiva, the processing of Shrimati Shakti is abruptly terminated. In such a case, Shri Shiva has to be prepared to find out means to invoke Shrimati Shakti in its own subsequently initiated fields.
Understanding of basic application of Sri is a must for any working combination of Shiva-Shakti.

Author: admin