Vastu Shastra

Ancient sages of India laid down several principles for constructing buildings in a way that one gets the natural benefits freely offered by the five basic elements of the universe.

These basic elements are Akash (SKY), Prithvi (EARTH), Paani (WATER), Agni (FIRE), and Vayu (WIND).Vastu in Sanskrit means nature, a surrounding or environment. The word “Vaasthu” came from Vasthu, denoting anything existing such as house, shelter, building etc. Shastra in Sanskrit means systems.
Vastu Shastra manipulates the Earth, Space, Air, Fire and water, gravitational and magnetic effects and rotational influences of Sun, Moon, Earth and other planets on the life in Earth with a view to bring balance and harmony between man, nature and his buildings. Therefore it ensures peace, prosperity and happiness. According to Shastras, if we worship, revere and respect the lords of these eight directions, they will shower on us their blessings and benefits. Vastu Shastra teaches us how to harness all these energies in a positive manner and help us move forward. One might feel that this is all hocus pocus new age nonsense. Its only when one effects these changes and incorporates them in day-to-day living that one will see the difference. The following are some of the fundamentals of Vastu Shastra :-

The main entrance should be in the East or North but it should not be in front of the compound wall.
The wall of the house in the Northeastern side should have minimum height, since it stalls the entry of prosperity, the Goddess Laxmi, into the house. The southern side of the house should be as tall and heavy as possible. In any room of the house the beam or column should not cross in center. Terrace or balcony in the house should be either in the East or the North. A well, pole or a temple should not be there inn front of the main entrance of the house. The slope of the house should be towards East, North or Northeast. Similarly, the slope of the plinth also should be towards East, North or Northeast. The height of the plinth should be the highest in the direction of South – West. The main entrance of the house should not be in front of that of the opposite house. The house should be equipped with the protective wall. The upper storeys of the house should be constructed on the Southern or Western part. The cupboard in the wall should be the Southern or Western part direction of the house.

Shape of plot – Favorites are regular shaped square or rectangular plot a AND irregular shaped plots are normally avoided.

Water-bodies – Water bodies in north or east are considered good.

Obstruction – Obstruction like big trees, open wells, pillars and posts are to be avoided.

Ideal site – In a square plot the house should be constructed in the for house center and in rectangular plot it should be nearer to construction south, south west and west sides preferably leaving more in a plot open space on north and east. “L” or Considered not suitable for house as corners will be “U” shaped and occupants will be missing opportunities. It is believed that god is present in the North East. That is why our ancestors always insisted on having water body on this direction to ensure prosperity. Now see the geographical location of a small nation like Japan one of the most largest water body in the form of the Pacific Ocean, which explains the reason of its growing prosperity. Take the example of Bombay city. On its South – East side where Agni is located, is the atomic power plant and in the direction of North – East is the water body which is why compared to other ports, Bombay port is more prosperous.

Vastu-The city of London is famous and rich because situated on more or less the ideal principles of Vastu Shastra. At the root of the progress and prosperity of the cities like New York, London, Bombay, Singapore, Hong Kong etc. are always the benedictory principles of Vastu Shastra, it is found. As one progresses towards Northeast in United States of America the land becomes richer and richer, it is found .The Eight Gods That Influence Our Lives :-

1. Esshan i.e. Ishwar (North-east) – He grants us wisdom, knowledge and serve all comforts and relieves us from sufferings.
2. Indra (East) – He is the king of angels. He gives wealth and all pleasures of life.
3. Agni/Fire (South-east) – He gives us beautiful personality and all the best of life.
4. Yamaa or Yamaha (South) – He is god of death. He is embodiment of dharma. He eradicates evils and grants all good things.
5. Nissan or Niruti (South-west) – He vanishes fear about our enemies.
6. Varun (West) – He is god of rain. He showers his blessings through rain and brings prosperity and pleasure in life all round.
7. Vayu/Wind (North-west) – He bestows on us long life, health and strength. He is the basic of all life.
8. Kuber (North) – He is god of wealth. He grants us wealth and all comforts of life. Who doesn’t want all these things in life? These gods belong to all religions, races and castes and creeds. We pay so much attention to the outer façade of the building that we for to pay attention to intrinsic principles which might in the long run be beneficial to our existence.

Author: admin