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Sex Therapy

Gender was created by Nature for her own purpose. Men are creatures of ambition, and women are creatures of emotion. Yes, women can have ambition,…

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Aroma Therapy

Aroma Therapy uses essential oils, that are the distilled essences of herbs, plants, flowers and trees. These oils smell wonderful and are a pleasure to…

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Polarity Therapy

Dr.Randolph2 Stone is the founder of polarity therapy. He was a chiropractor, a naturopath and an osteopath. Taken in by the effectiveness of the previously…

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Water Therapy

Fresh pure water. Sounds like music to my ears. Ever come back home on a hot day and wanted a long tall glass of chilled…

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Weight Training

All of us in our lives have looked at the beautiful bodies in ‘Bay watch’ and felt a pang of jealousy. Do you think that…

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Easy Foods-But are They Really Good

Man has always been a luxury recipient trying to find comfort in the materialistic things surrounding him. Due to the fast paced economic activities he…

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Meal Time And Fun Time

Here are some ways to inculcate health and interest at meal times: The table should be laid in such a manner to invite the family…

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Veg or Non-Veg

Man is called the supreme creation ever created by God. He has created Plants, animals yet the human soul is his finest creation. He is…

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Body and the Energy Around IT

We are the creatures of God and are linked to Him in the Cosmos just like a fetus with a mother. The umbical chord between…

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HERBS as Wonde Cures

Garlic This simple and effective herb is renowned for its countless benefits. It is also called as the Wonder Drug amongst all the herbs. It…

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