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Supplimentary Foods

A trip to the Doctor’s clinic is enough to convince you that your health is deteriorating. Needless to say in exchange to his heavy amount…

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Is Tea-Coffee Really Good You

When people generally wake up in the morning, thy reach for their cup of tea or coffee which they feel is ands instant booster of…

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Your Heart & Its Arteries

Like any other tissues or muscles of the body, those of the heart are also subject to disease, infection or other pressures. Disease in tissue…

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The Actual Time to Eat Food

When was the time you actually decided for the time to EAT your food. Food nowadays is just meant to fill the stomach. We should…

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Heart Obesity and Overweight

HEART OBESITY AND OVERWEIGHT Other major causes of heart disease. How to control these for heart disease as well as independently.

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Aubergines – The Apple of Love

Introduced to by the Spaniards, who called them “berengenas” or apples of love, the aubergine is a supremely sensual vegetable with its curves, dark, glossy…

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Fruit that cool

When the temperature soars and there is no respite from heat, there is always a fruit- or fruit juice – one take to cool one…

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Green Tea Weight Loss Miracles

“Weight loss and diet” is the new buzzword of our modern health conscious society. The mushrooming health centers and diet clinics and queuing up of…

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Health in your Hands

Recently the world celebrated the “World Health Day” on 8th of April. In present times of rising levels of health failures in the general public,…

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Prevention of SLEEP DISORDERS through Nature Cure and Yoga Sleep refreshes the body and mind. It is an indispensable condition to recuperation of energy. It…

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