Knock at the Doctor within you
Here comes good news for all of us. It says that there is an inborn doctor inside each one of us. So even without burning…
Lesser Known Vegetables
India, the haven for vegetarians, flourishes, in a large number of lesser known but high on nutritional value vegetables. It is these vegetables like asparagus,…
Heart Disease
Facts about the Heart Heart beats about 72 times in a minute heart needs about 250 ml of blood in a minute for its own…
HYPERTENSION – CAUSES AND CURE Ayurveda, Yoga, Meditation, Life style change, and Diet changes Hypertension is one such disease whose causes are usually unknown and…
Obesity is fast emerging as a health hazard. A large number of people, all over the world, suffer from it. It is an abnormal condition…
Alive Embodiments
What is a divine discourse? Have you ever thought of this? What is it that makes you interested in having it. You have to first…
Sublimate Your Soul
To Achieve World Peace Right from the origin of human life, man has endeavored to decipher and comprehensed the grand truth about his existence i.e….
Love yourself to love God
As children, there was one message about god ingrained into us saying, “god is everywhere and in each one of us”. This message is absolutely…
Can Gods and Mans Creation Co-exist
The creations of nature in all its splendor of mountains, oceans, forests and sky, the flora and fauna and of course man himself speak volumes…
Diet And Nutrition
Well I guess you have to admit that looking good feels good! People turn around to look at you and that in it self is…