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Hypertension Cure

Prevention and cure of HYPERTENSION through Naturopathy and Yoga More than ten percent of population in suffers from hypertension. Normal range of blood pressure is…

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Bhirgu Samhita

We as Indians have heard of the “Janma Kundli” which is a scientific chart drawn with mathematical precision based upon the exact time that we…

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  The words harmony, integration, holistic, healing all come to my mind when think of Reiki. It is an alternative form of healing. Sometimes when…

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Crystal Healing

  Crystals and stones remained a source of fascination for everyone since ages. Some people used it for decorative purposes and kings and the elite…

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Sex and Enlightenment

Eleven years after he passed away, the rebel Osho‘s popularity continues to grow. But what is his enduring contribution and what will be the fate…

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Aura Reading

Well, for starters, we should talk about what the aura is, and how the various schools of thought view it. The common view of the…

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Moving objects from one place to another without using physical contact. The re-shaping of objects using the mind’s energies, such as bending a spoon, or…

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Blue Sapphire

From dark, vivid blue to slightly violet colour, Kashmiri sapphires are considered the ltimate boues, which resemble the hue of the peacock’s neck. The valley…

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Sex or Creations Nature of Creativity

WHY MEN HAVE DEEP BREAST OBSESSION ? A young lady asked her male friends why men have so deep breast obsession with women’s boobs. The…

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  The basic idea behind meditation is to rejuvenate and revitalize our six sense organs. Meditation can be considered a technique, or practice. Meditation is…

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