Hare and Tortoise Story – NewAge Times Edition
The hare and the tortoise both realized that they have their limitations to cross plain fields or watery ponds to reach their goal. Being friends…
HYPERTENSION – CAUSES AND CURE Ayurveda, Yoga, Meditation, Life style change, and Diet changes Hypertension is one such disease whose causes are usually unknown and…
Illusions and Illusionists
Illusions are one small facet of the once grand and now lost art of Mathemagics. Illusions are just one minor part of a whole lost…
Is it the Mind
1. In the name of God, stop a moment, cease your work, look around you. – Leo Tolstoy (1828-191)
Positive Thinking Life Quotes
“If we think happy thoughts, we will be happy. If we think miserable thoughts, we will be miserable.” – Dale Carnegie
Meditation with Mantra Yoga
BE MORE MEDITIATIVE – BE MORE SILENTTo be a quality individual, one need to clean oneself of internal dirt and negative thoughts. In a sense,…
Positive Thinking Mind Body Soul Quotes
To be born with a Sound Mind in a Sound Body is the reward of past lives. – King Solomon Mind 1. A wise…
Music Therapy
Introduction Music therapy is an interpersonal process in which the therapist uses music and all of its facets-physical, emotional, mental, social, aesthetic, and spiritual-to help…
Numbers & Blessing
0. Nothingness by itself provides who-ling and completeness to any else; signifies end of one series & beginning of another; deca multiplying effect if placed…
The Greek mathematician Pythagoras who lived from 569-470 B.C. is said to be the father of numerology. It is a science, which dates back to…