Alive Embodiments

What is a divine discourse?
Have you ever thought of this? What is it that makes you interested in having it.
You have to first understand ‘discourse’ or ‘dis-course’ which may mean that this is a state wherein things are out of course or it implies to this course.

When the divine delivers it, this becomes a divine discourse.
The purpose of such discourse is to either get things back on the right track or give core depth understanding.
Some time back, I had talked about 0 (zero) and 1 (one). Did you understand it then.
Try again!!

0 is the ultimate aim where all, irrespective of anything are heading.
The factor here is the pace at which one moves.
1 is the higher self. The driver.
Yes, 1 is your driver.
You very well understood it then when this was told. What thereafter could you do and have done?
Today’s discourse is directed yet again towards this 0, 1, 2 ka 3 which in these days has transformed to being 1, 2 ka 4.

0 represent god or a state of nirvana that is total merger with god.
0 is the epi-center.
It also represents the primal guru.
1 represents soul.
It also represents the principal guru.
It is also the primal disciple of the primal guru.
This is what you talk about in your spiritual journeys. The uplifting of this is your aspiration in a spiritual path.
How do you uplift 1?
1 by itself is miraculous, yet it is also needing a work input to uplift.
1 is an image of 0.
1 is the center.
The realization and experience of 1 itself is the single ascension factor.

This is a pure happening.
This is a divine happening.
Do you really respect this if you respect your divine so much?
This respect is what sets and gives the course.
An actual emergence of amrit sets the course for nirvana.
Pendants, etc sets the course for moksha.
Vibhuti sets the course for mukti.
Sindoor, grains and water sets course for merger or awakening
Fragrance sets course for spiritual movement
Light sets course for enlightenment, realization
Other enriching experiences like dreams, insights, visions set course for eligible spiritual progress.
Yes!! All this set and gives that another course on which 1 is to move.

2 represents mind.
It also represents the guru.
It is also the primal disciple of the principal guru and principal disciple of the primal guru.
This is what you use to understand the realizations in your spiritual journey.
This is what you use to plan the movement on the course.
Yes, you have to plan the movement on this course.
Yes, the movement is a compulsion, a must.
No realization is meaningful without the live experience of it.
Experience is not possible without movement.
2 is the cento-center.

3 represents body.
It also represents the disciple.
It just continues to remain a disciple to any guru position.
This is what is actually subjected into the moving.
This is the field that is toiled so that the harvest is reaped.
This movement is ground reality.
No experience is valid unless it is established on ground.
3 is the circumference of 2.
2 is the circumference of 1.
1 is the circumference of 0.

One must keep vigilant guard on the path upon encroachment possibilities.
1 is tuned to encroach upon 0,
2 is tuned to encroach upon 1
and 3 is tuned to encroach upon 2.
Security systems are laid on the spiritual path.
0 would not allow its encroachment by 1.
Same so would be for 1 and 2,
and 2 and 3.
It is hence that the eternal circo-center movement is advised.

The epi-center is fixed.
No need to tamper with it.
The center is entrusted to keep widening its zone.
Thus, it is through this center, which is in fact just a point of the epi-center circular circumference that another elliptical construction commences and progresses.
This construction is unique in the sense that the center multiplies itself into a dual functioning. While it continues to hold on to the circumferential role assigned to it on the epi-center circumference, it is entrusted to commence a fresh center circumference. Thus one would find this center both upon its center position as well as on its own center circumferential position.
On further course,
The center is fixed.
No need to tamper with it.
The cento-center is entrusted to keep widening its zone.
Thus, it is through this cento-center, which is in fact just a point of the center elliptical circumference that another elliptical construction commences and progresses.
This construction is unique in the sense that the cento-center multiplies itself into a dual functioning. While it continues to hold on to the circumferential role assigned to it on the center circumference, it is entrusted to commence a fresh cento-center circumference. Thus one would find this cento-center both upon its center position as well as on its own cento-center circumferential position.

Thus the movement is supposed to go on.
And when it goes so, it happens as it did with Bhagwan Sri Ram.
All associated with Sri Ram and doing just their required bit to their complete capacity completed their journeys together with Sri Ram.
Do you know that
1 that is soul constitutes just 1% of your total you
2 that is mind constitutes 70% of your total you, and
3 that is body constitutes 29% of your total you
All this goes into 0 that constitutes 100% of your total you!!!
If you are a guru, you can do just 1%
70% is done by your disciple
and 29% is done by your disciple’s disciples
And if you are a disciple, it means that you can do 70%
You need just that 1% support from your guru
And you have 29% disciples available at your service to execute your services dedicated exclusively to your guru.

Register these facts as soon as you can.
– Meditation is a must but work is an equal must.
– Meditate into what you are supposed to do and doing and forget about what
should somebody else be into doing and do.
– Avoid tampering with circumferential creation through surrogate
– Plan the activity and work to fulfill the plan.
– Plan the activity centered not around your own development but on
developing others through you.
– Do not get stuck on to any issue, let be it. Just continue moving ahead.
– Think not of what you are getting, rather think of what you can give.
– Do not be afraid of losing anything. What can be lost is actually not at all
– Use your 1 skill to direct all 2 and 3 on your center circumference. Use your
2 and 3 to be in service to your 1 and 0.
– Think not of what your guru, principal guru or primal guru is giving you. Think
what you are giving to them.
– Think not of what your disciple is giving you. Think of what you are giving

Author: admin