

ChiroPracticEven though chiropractic is considered an American science for natural healing discovered by an American scientist in September 1895,its origins can be traced back to the 4rth century when Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, used its doctrines.

 Chiropractic Doctors seek to capitalize on the bodies own healing potential without the use of drugs or surgery.  The primary focus of chiropractic is the recognition, reduction and rectification of spinal misalignments and nervous system dysfunction. Chiropractors have to study anatomy, pathology, physiology biochemistry, x-ray, nutrition, spinal adjusting, and many other related subjects.


The founder of American chiropractic is considered to be Dr. D.D. Palmer. While giving instructions to a janitor who was working outside, he realized that that man had very poor hearing. Upon inquiry he discovered that 17 years earlier, the man had stooped over and heard something “give” in his neck and soon after his hearing diminished. Logically Dr. Palmer reasoned that if this misalignment were the reason for his poor hearing, restoration of the same would help. Therefore he tried to restructure his neck and spine and resultantly he succeeded in fixing his hearing.

Chiropractic works on the principle that the brain the spinal chord and the neurons connecting these two are the hub of our lives. This is where we perform all our bodily functions. Misaligned vertebrae (known as subluxations) can irritate the nerves and disrupt the body’s ability to send “command center” messages through the spine to different parts of the body such as the tissue, bone, glands and organs. All parts of the human body require proper nerve energy and a flow of information in order to function properly. What happens is that misaligned vertebrae cause interference of mental impulse from the brain to the tissue cell, and this interference causes a breakdown of the normal cells till enough abnormal tissue cells have been formed to cause pain. Chiropractors, through a procedure called adjustments restore misaligned vertebrae to its original position thereby allowing resumed body functions. If left uncorrected, a spinal malfunction can interrupt this internal communication system and cause pain, muscle and organ dysfunction and other imbalances.


Subluxation Explained
ChiroPractic_2The word “subluxation” comes from the Latin words meaning, “to dislocate” (luxare) and “somewhat or slightly” (sub). A subluxation means a slight dislocation (misalignment) or biomechanical malfunctioning of the vertebrae (bones of the spine). These disturbances may irritate nerve roots and blood vessels that branch off from the spinal cord between each of the vertebrae. A subluxation can occur due to any of the following -A fall, injury, sudden jar, trauma, or sometimes an inherited spinal weakness can displace a vertebra. Other causes include improper sleeping conditions or habits, poor posture, occupational hazards, incorrect lifting practices, obesity, lack of rest and exercise, and stress. These may lead to pain and dysfunctions in muscle, lymphatic and organ tissue as well as imbalance in the normal body processes.

Ailments where Chiropractic is effective

Any physical, chemical or emotional stress, which is greater than the body’s internal resistance, will cause subluxation. Physical stress can range from whiplash trauma to sitting at your desk day after day with your head turned to the same side. Chemical stress is everything from eating too much sugar and preservatives to breathing environmental pollutants. Mental stress is something everyone has experienced in either tense or emotional situations, or in everyday living.
1. Chiropractors are known solely for treating back pain because of their success of this particular condition. Chiropractors see a lot of patients with back trouble because they have spent many years studying the spine. They are specialists in their area. They concentrate on restoring the structural, functional integrity of the spine.
2. Chiropractors’ potential for health care goes far beyond that, they also work with many conditions and symptoms including whiplash, leg pain, headaches, shoulder and arm pain, back pain and a whole host of other conditions that you may have never realized.
3. One of the most clinical complaints is headache. Migraine and tension are the most frequently occurring types. Migraine is a severe form that occurs on one side of the head and is characterized by throbbing pain and often nausea and vomiting. The patient’s head gives one the feeling of being squeezed. They are frequently associated with emotional tension. In a tension headache, the muscle in the neck and head contract putting pressure on the nerves and blood vessels. The pain will continue until the muscles relax.

4. Organic disease, muscle strain, poor posture, sleeping in a cramped position, osteoporosis, arthritis, emotional trauma or slipped disc can also be cured by the chiropractic.

To be more specific these are the ailments that are cured by Chiropractic :-

1. Chronic and constant headache
2. Migraine
3. Vertigo
4. Tinitus
5. Giddiness
6. Insomnia
7. Gradual Loss of memory
8. Fits
9. Epilepsy
10. Tonsilitis
11. Gradual loss of vision
12. Sinusitis
13. Rhinitis
14. Bronchitis and Asthma
15. Dysponea (difficult breathing)
16. Epistaxis (breathing through nose)
17. Hiccups and snoring
18. High and low blood pressure
19. Cardiac Arrhythmias and regular pulse
20. Angina
21. Cervical Spondylitis
22. Lumber Spondylitis
23. Spinal trauma and sciatica
24. Loss of curvature of spine
25. Slipped disc
26. Nerve compression
27. Persistent numbness in the limbs
28. Paralysis
29. Conditions of frozen shoulders
30. Arthritis and gout
31. Muscular disorders and dystrophy
32. Hormonal problems
33. Abdominal and liver disorders
34. Hyperacidity and Flatulence
35. Reflex Oesophagitis
36. Chronic constipation
37. Kidney disorders
38. Bed wetting
39. Menstrual disorders
40. Menarche and Menopausal syndrome
41. Habitual abortions
42. Problems related to breasts
43. Prostrate gland problems
44. Uterus problems
45. Sexual disorders
46. Skin disorders and allergies
47. Schizophrenia
48. Tennis elbow
49. Golfers elbow
50. Parkinson’s disease
51. Neuropathological disorders


1. if you have been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, sciatica, or osteoporosis, have your chiropractor consult with your primary care physician prior to treatment (certain kinds of spinal manipulations could make these conditions worse).
2. if your back pain is accompanied by a fever, it’s important to consult your primary care doctor, or have your chiropractor do so, to rule out conditions that need medical attention. Before doing any manipulation, the chiropractor should explain exactly what the process involves. Typically, chiropractic is performed using very little force, although techniques vary. As the chiropractor applies pressure to your spine, you may hear (and feel) a popping sound, like a knuckle cracking. You should not feel any serious discomfort from the adjustment, however. If you do, it is important to let the chiropractor know immediately. Many patients find the experience relaxing. Most describe feeling less pain, reduced tension, and more flexibility in the areas that were adjusted.


Author: admin