In our daily lives we tend to struggle with everything and loathe everything we have. No feelings of contentment seem to pacify us. We hate our lives we lead.
That includes our families, jobs, careers, motives, money. We plan for things for the future and our happiness or sense of contentment comes only in the coming future. We console ourselves to be happy only after achieving that dream job, or getting that gorgeous girl, or getting admission in a pricey college. Or even our own personal attributes like getting thin, famous, older, and more attractive. The list is endless.
What we don’t perceive is that now is the moment to be happy. It just doesn’t matter how you look or how much money you have. Happiness needs no reason to be. You get happy because you want to.
There are numerous reasons to enjoy life and be happy. Happiness is right around you. You just have to turn around you and feel.
Count the people you love: It really helps. All those who have done some magic in your lives are not always there. But their memory is enough to perk up a cloudy day. So carry their photographs or their memoirs wherever you go. You would feel a sense of enlightenment everywhere.]
Finding old friends and relatives: People generally move on after they leave their schools and colleges only to make new friends. However the old ones when found give a sense of delight and happiness that no other priceless thing can give. Even relatives who you have not spoken to make your day when they meet you after a long time.
Exchange views: Often being very stagnant about one’s views makes a person’s mind closed to the other person and as to what he has to do. Being open to the other person helps in gathering more information which leads to happiness around you.
Finding that freshness quotient: we all do daily tasks like getting ready for work, eating the same breakfast; driving on the same route to work. However things get very boring after a while. Try changing the routine into something new each time and feel the freshness and happiness flow in your life.
Positive attitude: everyone tells you to be positive. How many times have you taken this notion seriously? But really it is essential to have a positive attitude. Looking life through colored glasses helps. Literally it means to take life on a positive note and accept its toughest challenges with a smile rather than a frown. This way life would seem happier than before.
Act like kids: ever wondered how kids enjoy everything in life. Give them a sweet and you see their eyes sparkle. They are least bothered about devastating destructions in the world or immediate chaos in their homes. Their happiness is limited to small things. They laugh at the silliest things. Their energy levels are always high and they never get tired. That?s how life is lived. Completely oblivious about the future and giggling about the smallest things. One smile would lead to another, then laughter.
Dance your way to happiness: dancing can be done anywhere; in a room, with friends at a club, or with a partner. The idea is to waltz the blues away. Dancing relieves feel good chemicals that heighten your happiness quotient. So put on your dancing shoes and burn the dance floor.
Listen to great music: music is the soul of life. Just as oxygen is necessary for breathing, music is important to live. Music generates happiness. It touches your heart and elevates your mood.
Invite people over: sometimes a cozy dinner with your close friends is all that is required to make your evening sparkling. Having dinner with them and chatting the night away definitely brings happiness to anyone.
Happiness can be felt everywhere around you. The moment you grab it from small things in life, you are the winner in life. Nothing can stop you to defeat your sorrows.