Pennies V/s Pounds

There are two kinds of people like you see below . What kind are you . Check below , Wealth creation , Financial ,Material success to Pound wise penny foolish . Start creating Wealth now . Wealth wisper money shouts . Money is a step towards Wealth . Create Wealth , Wealth , Wealth and Wealth and spread love , peace , joy and happiness all around in the Universe . 21st March tomorrow is World Hug day . Hug your loved ones and show your pure and divine love on them . Part I Penny wise pound foolish Pound wise penny foolish.




1 People keep wasting time in saving pennies and wasting pounds Wise people lavishly spend on pennies and concentrate on creating and saving’s
2 Waste time on trifles Use time management, generate new ideas and laser focus on creating more and more wealth.
3 Waste valuable time on non productive things. Use valuable time like lawyers and law time to make use of every second determinedly and create more and more wealth
4 Waste energy Maintain and enhance physical, mental and social energy
5. Do not want to learn more Keep beaming and enhancing their self and worldly wisdom and knowledge.
6 All play no work Balanced work and play
7. Don’t relax Relax in action and act in relaxation
8. Split their thoughts Think positive and direct their thoughts
9. Don’t have self confidence Always beaming with self confidence
10. Hate themselves Love themselves fully
11. Have no goals Have targeted goals and keep creating new ones immediately after achieving one
12. Worry about means Means follow when you have ambitions
13. Worry about failures Failure has no meaning, it is another step to wards success.
14. Keep repeating mistakes To err is human but to repeat the same mistakes is not human. They don’t repeat mistakes
15. Use excuses for every thing Don’t believe in the disease called excusitis
16. Dwell on handicaps Transform handicaps into assets.
17. Dwell on disadvantages Transform disadvantages into advantages
18. Misuse sexual desires Sex is divine energy, Legitimate sex is food for the soul.
19. Have wavering faith in themselves and God. Have solid faith in themselves and God.
20. Don’t value their family ties Highly value their family ties.


Prince Mohan

Author: admin