Polarity Therapy

Dr.Randolph2 Stone is the founder of polarity therapy. He was a chiropractor, a naturopath and an osteopath. Taken in by the effectiveness of the previously mentioned medical traditions, he wanted to discover the life force behind all.

Polarity therapy evolved out of his desire to discover the fundamental. Laws of healing – a unifying principal, which would explain how, all forms of healing work. He became passionate about discovering the concept of Polarity, according to which the human body is an energy system like a battery or magnet. It has positive, negative and neuter poles and currents of energy that flow through them. He studied the great medical traditions of Ayurveda (Ayur-life, Veda-study) in India and Chinese traditional medicine. Then he began to advocate the fact that there is only one true disease, which is the disturbance or blockage to the flow of life energy. He believed that all pain and illness is a manifestation of energy imbalance, whereas pleasurable good health is the result of having an uninterrupted and abundant flow of life energy.

The base of Polarity therapy consists of specific manipulations aimed at releasing tension and holding in the physical body and then balancing the life energy. I at this point I should make a differentiation between Polarity Therapy and massage, because the patient is not stroked or kneaded as he would be in a massage but rather a Polarity therapist would employ different kinds of touch to interface with the body in different ways. These range from working with the hands off the body, through a molded contact with body which is sometimes combined with gentle rocking that helps to release physical tension patterns and encourages the energy to move, to a deeper, more penetrating touch which can break up chronic, deep congestion in the tissues and enliven the area. As well as discovering where the body needs releasing at a physical level, the Polarity therapist is always tuning into the underlying energy patterns and flows and encouraging their movement.

The therapist will sense where and how the body needs to be touched by a developed sensitivity of his/her own senses so that by listening, observing and palpating, the most effective mode of interaction can be employed to best effect. Every session with every client is different because the needs of different individuals are apt to change. Polarity Therapists insist that the life force cannot flow freely through a congested, toxic body and so one of the first things a Polarity therapist may recommend is that the client should follow a simple purifying diet and cleansing regime for a few days. Mind and body A common thread running through all the different aspects of Polarity therapy is the belief that life energy is the link between the mind and body. The mind can have a direct and dynamic effect on the life energy in the body, and Dr. Stone conclusively says “as we think, so we are”. If we think negative thoughts about ourselves or react negatively to our environment then our physical bodies will suffer.

A polarity session will lead the client towards greater self awareness, understanding and self acceptance. It will encourage a more positive attitude towards their own body and to life itself. Central to Polarity Therapy is the concept of a life energy, which is in constant pulsation from positive to negative poles via a neutral position, creating fields and energetic lines of force. This creates an energetic “template” for the physical body, termed “The Wireless Anatomy of Man” by Dr. Stone. He traveled extensively in the USA, Europe and the East, particularly India, researching how energy might work in the body, also studying the Esoteric teachings of those countries. From these comprehensive studies, he formulated the East-West synthesis that became known as Polarity Therapy. But the essence of them is that parts that go together to make up a system will come together to behave as a whole, coordinated system.

According to physicist Herbert Frhlich, in the body a system of electrically charged molecules (“dipoles” i.e. polarised molecules with a positive and negative end) is vibrating. Beyond a certain threshold, additional energy pumped into the system (such as occurs during a Polarity session) will cause them to vibrate into unison, pulling them into a very ordered form of matter termed a “Bose-Einstein Condensate”. In this state it is possible for a dysfunctional organ to work effectively.
He traveled extensively in the USA, Europe and the East, particularly India, researching how energy might work in the body, also studying the Esoteric teachings of those countries. From these comprehensive studies, he formulated the East-West synthesis that became known as Polarity Therapy. But the essence of them is that parts that go together to make up a system will come together to behave as a whole, coordinated system.

According to physicist Herbert Frhlich, in the body a system of electrically charged molecules (“dipoles” i.e. polarised molecules with a positive and negative end) is vibrating. Beyond a certain threshold, additional energy pumped into the system (such as occurs during a Polarity session) will cause them to vibrate into unison, pulling them into a very ordered form of matter termed a “Bose-Einstein Condensate”. In this state it is possible for a dysfunctional organ to work effectively.


Author: admin