

reflexologyWe’ve all heard of the saying “its all in the mind!” if it were in my power I’d definitely revise it to “its all in the foot”. Strange though it may sound it really is true. Tip of the day- when your foot goes to sleep, try applying pressure to the tip of your opposite earlobe. Subsequently you will feel your pins and needles dissolving.

Reflexology has developed because the human body itself is reflexive. We apply these techniques to the feet and hands. Even the ear has pressure points which effect the entire body hence it is argued that it is also reflexology.The techniques, however, are modified from auricular therapy, an acupuncture technique. What is Reflexology? Reflexology is also known as zone therapy. It is centered on the fact that tension, pain in the foot mirrors congestion in a related body part. Pressure on specific parts of the body could have an anaesthetizing effect on a related area. Each foot has over 7,000 nerve endings, 26 bones, 107 ligaments and 19 muscles. Reflexology is a drugless therapy that can create physiological changes in the body by naturally improving the circulation in the body. This increased circulation in the body releases tension in the body and enhances relaxation. It aids in elimination of body waste, thus restoring body function for better health. HOW IT WORKS-Reflex and Relax sound similar don’t they? Reflexology decreases the effects of stress while it helps the body relax. Reflexology gently nudges the body towards better functioning by improving lymphatic drainage and venous circulation, simulation to the nerve pathways, and muscle relaxation.
The amazing bit about reflexology is that it is so simple and yet so effective. Anyone can practice it any time. You do not have to go into technical details of understanding the foot charts and still use it. The best part being that it can be used for yourself and your spouse not to mention the fact that its pleasurable. The arch of your foot resembles the spine and is indeed the reflex to the spine. The head sits at its upper end (the big toes). The shoulders are located at the top of the ball of the foot. The waist is at the waist of the foot, the buttocks at the heel. The little toe side is the lateral (outside of body) the medial side is the center of the body. Reflexology can also be practiced on your hand and your ear. Imagine you’re at the office and you’ve acquired the most excruciating tension headache. Grab your hand, and using your thumb, apply pressure to the neck reflex (the side and base of the thumb) of your other hand, spine (inside of thumb at base across bottom of palm) and diaphragm (across the middle of the palm diagonally) which are reflex points. You will use an “Inchworm” movement bending the thumb at the first joint.

This is known as “thumb walking.” Be sure to work those reflex areas on both hands. You will be working the tenderReflexology_2 areas and breaking up any crystal-like deposits. Feel the difference! Is your back sore and aching? Take off those shoes and socks, grab a foot and “thumb-walk” up the inner foot, beginning at the sacrum coccyx reflex at the inside of the heel. Be sure to work up to the base of the big toe and back down, repeating several times. Work both feet, feeling for any tender spots and crystal deposits. Feel the tingling sensation! Let your friend or spouse give you a boost from the evening fatigue syndrome with reflexology. Sit back in your favorite recliner and remove your shoes and socks. Have your partner wring out the tension in your feet by using motion like lightly wringing out a towel around the entire foot. Your partner can begin thumb walking up the inside of the foot and back down the same path.

This procedure can be repeated a few times on both feet. The thumbs can be “walked” back and forth across both the center and balls of each foot several times. Next, beginning with the big toe, your partner can thumb-walk up, down and across all ten toes. Finally, I want to make sure I work the adrenal reflex by pressing the thumb approximately two inches below the base of each big toe several times. Let your session end with a repetition of the light towel-wringing motion around the entire foot. Footnotes Ankle Area–Reproductive organs and pelvic regionBalls of the feet–Chest, lung and shoulder areaHeel–Pelvic and sciatic nerveToes–Head and NeckUpper Arch–Diaphragm, upper abdominal organsLower Arch–Pelvic and lower abdominal organsOuter Foot–Arm, shoulder, hip, leg, knee and lower backInner Foot–SpineAfter the first treatment or two your body may respond in a very definite way: you may have a feeling of well-being and relaxation; or you may feel lethargic, nauseous or tearful, but this is transitory.

It is, however, vital information for reflexologists, as it shows how your body is responding to treatment. Here are some important reminders before using reflexology. Avoid use for one hour after meals. Within 30 minutes after massage, you should drink at least 400ml or one to one and a half glasses of warm water; in cases of kidney or heart disease, you should drink no more than half a glass of water. Do not apply heavy pressure to bones. In case of serious heart conditions, diabetes, or kidney problems, use at any time should be restricted to under 10 minutes. In case of epilepsy, heart conditions, or high blood pressure, a physician should be consulted. Reflexology eases out stress and revitalizes energy- We all know that blood carries vital nutrients through the body and carries away toxins and waste products.

One of the symptoms of a stressful life is a decrease in blood circulation. An improvement in circulation will allow the body to receive the nutrients carried in blood, and eliminate the waste products more effectively. Reflexology aids in just this. Increase in blood circulation at an optimum level, which in turn rejuvenates and invigorates your body. Other than the circulatory system, the body has other methods for removing waste products (eg. the lymphatic system and the digestive system). A stressful situation will cause these systems to operate below par. Reflexology has the effect of increasing the flow and movement of these systems by helping to decrease the stress held in the body. Most of us complain of ‘low energy’ from time to time. It can appear as an inability to concentrate, a lack of motivation for things that usually excite us, or a physical feeling of tiredness. Reflexology, in making us feel better about ourselves, opens the pathways to increasing the energy levels and renewing us — both immediately after the treatment and for several days afterwards.

Author: admin