Dr. Robert Anthony and The Secret of Deliberate Creation
As we dredge through our daily lives trying to survive on a planet devoid of peace, harmony and tranquility, where the mind, body and soul strive to achieve that Golden Mean Aristotle so succinctly spoke of five thousand years ago, Dr. Robert Anthony and his philosophy of Deliberate Creation comes as a whiff of fresh air in a quagmire of chaos and negativity.
It is indeed no wonder that the Dr. Robert Anthony mantra has not simply captivated millions around the world by helping them align themselves with the reality without but also derive an aura of positivity within the inner sanctum. But first a gentle introduction. Best-selling author, Master Hypnotist, International Trainer, and Personal Performance Consultant, Dr. Robert Anthony has been channeling human energies into positive and fulfilling streams of accomplishment for over thirty years. A celebrated author of fifteen full-length books that have touched and transformed lives on all continents, Dr. Anthony’s works have been translated into twenty-two languages and continue to shine on international best-seller book charts even today.
The Magic Mantra of Deliberate Creation
Dr. Anthony believes that all human beings harbor a mandate of achievement both at the conscious and the sub-conscious level. We yearn for that proverbial good life—financial freedom, long-lasting relationships, inner growth and maturity that is derived from self-realization. While some of us want to be rich and famous, others constantly seek a serene and trouble-free lifestyle which borders prosperity and an extended state of bliss. The number one reason why we tend to fail in our mission is because we are unable to overcome the barriers to success we have built around ourselves. Dr. Anthony’s personal growth program helps us not simply to recognize these barriers many of which are self-constructed, but to transcend them through a clearly defined set and sub-set of heuristics that first propel us and then put us beyond the finishing line. “You need to uncover and release the unconscious obstacles and habitual patterns that hold you back from creating the life you desire. The focus of The Secret of Deliberate Creation is about collapsing the limiting beliefs and unconscious habitual patterns that stand between you and what you want,” he states.
Dr. Anthony’s six hour self-study program, regular exercises that are of an introspective nature and a bonus collection of seven best selling books serve as guideposts to success by precisely defining goals and ways to attain them one milestone at a time.
An Outreach Program that Points Inward
The single most predominant barrier to personal and professional success which Dr. Anthony articulates so well—one with which all of us can identify in a heartbeat—is our inability to translate theory into practice, to convert knowledge into actionable and quantifiable returns that have the potential of generating rich dividends. We spend most of our time gathering information, learning about potential paths to riches, synthesizing various domains and repositories of research without being able to leverage these valuable resources for personal gain and inner growth. Here is how Dr. Anthony describes it:
“There are two kinds of people:
· Those who play the game of life TO WIN. (Take Action on what they KNOW.)
· Those who play the game of life to NOT TO LOSE. (Keep collecting more information and avoid taking Action.)
This is the reason why most people do not have what they want. Their true or hidden goal is not to get what they want, but to avoid failure and disappointment. So they do nothing. They just read and study and accumulate more information.
“It is this fear of action and failure, an innate tendency to give into uncertainty that stands tall between success and us—a common human trait that Dr. Anthony addresses through his remarkably structured program and helps to overcome thus paving the way to all-round recognition and victory.
The Total Package
Dr. Anthony’s rich and easy-to-follow program includes a multi-set DVD, exercises and seven full-length e-books that serve as more stepping stones to personal growth and overall success:
- Beyond Positive Thinking– A No-Nonsense Formula For Getting The Results You Want
- Betting on Yourself” – Step-By-Step Strategies For The Total Winner
- The Ultimate Secrets Of Total Self Confidence
- Magic Power of Super Persuasion
- Doing What You Love, Loving What You Do – The Ultimate Key To Personal Happiness and Financial Freedom
- How to Make the Impossible Possible– Turning Your Life Around Through Possibility Thinking
- 50 Ideas That Can Change Your Life!
As a top-off bonus, The Secret of Deliberate Creation program also includes an amazing Windows-based software package called the Intention Activator. The program installs a small scrolling marquee on the very top of the Windows desktop Which continuously displays a wide spectrum of “intention statements” on the computer’s desktop leaving other applications undisturbed. These intention statements are included in a database with the built-in flexibility of adding more intention statements that are personalized.
A Timely Trail Blazer
One doesn’t have to be a Rhodes Scholar to notice the fact that we all continue to live in a state of flux constantly graduating from one crisis to another. Dr. Anthony’s proven program is much like a helping hand that endows our stated mission with a sense of formal structure—a blueprint to achievement that is not merely easy to follow but also easy to sustain. The program also serves as a potent reinforcement of a well-defined value system that can be used over and over again in keeping with the never-ending process of growth, achievement and success.
Dr. Robert Anthony is a genius. His RAPID MANIFESTATION audio training program is priceless. His completely revised and updated collection of books – all classics proven to help people achieve their dreams – is an incredible offer. I say grab this entire package now and manifest your heart’s desires. This is a life-changing moment.
Prince Mohan, creator of the #1Positive Thinking Mind Body n Soul