An individual soul is a mere imagery reflection of the supreme soul. It is just a part of the whole and functions as an agent of the super distributor.
It itself housed into a mind-operated body is connected with a limited number of bodies. While it can reach itself out to the unified mind levels with a few embodiments, it cannot be so with others who are incompatible. In its journey of growth, it moves to at first tap into these few compatible embodiments and then move further to expand its own field into the supreme field to the maximum extent that be possible for itself. Invariably, in this journey it already is in acknowledgement of its limited reach and ability to move into the supreme field and hence moves itself to be merged or engulfed into complete unification with another compatible soul operating at much elevated levels of existence and thus move the further journey not as itself but as the elevated soul itself.
For empirical activities, a vague idea about one’s soul is enough and knowledge on the subject is not important. This is how most of those connected with the spiritual world directly or even indirectly move around. When one knows the inner self, one loses all kinds of self-identification and the impossible happens. When this happens, it is very much possible that things go haywire not just with the individual but even the immediate environment in which this individual dwells. Creation is an act that must have an agent. For any creation, it is natural that a union occurs and for this union to occur, it is mandatory for the matching unifying parts be there. The highest creation can occur from the highest levels of existence connected with the physical existence, and that is from the level of the soul, which is housed into a mental casing limited by the physical boundary. It is the soul that originates in to parts. While the subject of a creation can be the two halves, the origin is not this and nor is what be originated even if it forms the basis of a material action that evolves from the caged embodiments.
There is a great degree of anomaly in the area of creation itself as to whether it is an actual creation that is occurring or an actual destruction that is occurring. In context of the example laid up before, what could be said about the fact related to the division of the soul? Is it a creation or a destruction of the soul? Then we are further mentioning about the union of the divided parts of the single soul, that is, the part souls that are already functioning in as independent single souls are unified together to again be the single undivided soul from which the division took place. Now is this action of unifying the soul a creation or destruction. Reasoning is inconclusive as the human intellect differs in accordance to the knowledge that one possesses on the subject of soul. Even an assembly of all logicians at a common accepted location at the same time fails to conclusively arrive at a single idea truthfully. There is no way to get away from the defect of the upset in such a situation. The soul has ever been a mystery to be researched upon more and more by the followers of the spiritual path. As one gets into this research field one could automatically begin to move the directions as moved by the soul. This is how the soul unveils itself to the one who wishes to know it. And for this, one is led through experiences related to the beginning para of this article.
As the soul moves, it meets. Yes, it meets its connected soul parts. The assembly of these connected soul parts, each functioning as an independent soul is what constitutes the big soul family. This family has similar relations as are lived in the real world. The soul has its parent souls, brother and sister souls, child souls, friend souls and mate souls. In a much broader sense the connected souls with one another are called as the soul mates. Thus soul mates are a classification that is arrived through from various relationship patterns that the soul has already experienced in its journey before this realization dawns upon. The revelations of genuine soul mates occur through a natural process that is followed through by a set of experiences and further revelations spanning many life times that the soul may have journeyed. The process that makes this revelation is pure and divine in nature and has the endorsements from the highest order. These endorsements appear upfront in the form of happenings that are considered as ‘miracles’ in the real world. The process of soul mating is accelerated in the mere presence of an awakened soul with automatic interactions of activations occurring at the level of the soul. Another manner in which the soul connections are endorsed is through the level of awakened soul or higher.
It is through this that an area of clearing out of the karmic debts is greatly accelerated in the complete domain of the karmic field that spans over many life times. It is this that moves the individual souls on the highest path of their very purpose of existence and that is related to their having attain the state of liberation (mukti or true freedom from the bondage of karma until the end of the present life that is limited by the physical body and give a purposeful direction to one’s own growth in the sphere of true existence). One does not transcend the state of rebirth having attained the state of mukti. It is just that in case another rebirth be there, it would be like a creation of an entirely fresh karmic slate. Once the state of mukti is attained, the next destination is the attainment of salvation (moksha or complete freedom from the bondage of karma life that is limited by the physical body, that is, one transcends the state of limitations that exist from the existence of a physical body. In other words, one does not have any re-birth once this state is attained. But still even at this point one is not free from the karmic spectrum and is simply entering the spectrum of karmic bondage that exists and prevails without the physical body. In other words, at this level one is only rising above the experience of physical pains but is still not risen enough to transcend the emotional and mental pains. From here one further needs to give a further purposeful direction to one’s own growth in the sphere of true existence). Once the state of moksha is attained, the next destination is the attainment of a state of unified consciousness (nirvana or complete freedom from the bondage of karma life, that is, one transcends the state of all limitations that exist from the existence of physical body or form and time. At this level, one reaches on to a state from which re-birth without any karmic incurrence becomes possible. This is the level at which one begins to move unified with the divine consciousness and from here on it is all like it being a ‘Divine Will In Action’ that operates from a super conscious level of existence creating happenings that are beyond the understanding from the gentry existing at the lower strata of earthly existence. It has a much greater cause to the movements and its patterns are way above the thought bound understandable patterns that normally move on the ground of reality).
The souls that are in the field related to this kind of movement, either directly through one’s own free will or indirectly on account of environmental location presence of one self, needs to be into basic understanding of this soul subject. Because it is here from one is put through an experience that may not be exactly to the liking or acceptance in the normally accepted field. The first and foremost point that needs be understood is that one really is put into a track of fast paced happenings at all levels of existence related to the physical and spiritual worlds.
Here it would be helpful to understand some more basic information regarding the soul.
Q. Why does the soul need to pursue the path of attaining liberation, salvation and unification? Why can it not just continue to pursue the natural path of its worldly existence that has brought it into its own patterned independent individual existence even if it has been created out of another origin?
A. While the answer seems to be highly complex and beyond the conceivable limits of the logicians, it actually is not. The answer is simple and is found everywhere. It is natural for anything and everything to return back into its original state. For example, if a stretched rubber band were released, it would return back into its original shape. If the body is having some infection, it has a tendency to heal itself and return backs to a state of nill infection. Similarly, it is natural for a soul to return back to its origin state.
Q. Why does the soul need to pursue the path of attaining liberation, salvation and unification? Why can it not just continue to pursue the natural path of its worldly existence that has brought it into its own patterned independent individual existence even if it has been created out of another origin?
A. While the answer seems to be highly complex and beyond the conceivable limits of the logicians, it actually is not. The answer is simple and is found everywhere. It is natural for anything and everything to return back into its original state. For example, if a stretched rubber band were released, it would return back into its original shape. If the body is having some infection, it has a tendency to heal itself and return backs to a state of nill infection. Similarly, it is natural for a soul to return back to its origin state.
Q. How does the soul get created?
A. The creation of the soul could be through a few manners:
1- From within itself. This is quite rare. All that it needs is a trigger agent. While the soul level trigger agents are of a different kind, examples of this actually being so are also there in the real world. Some birds create an offspring not through a process of mating, but through the listening of some sounds or an environmental state having evolved through a natural course. (This is the path that is followed principally by Vishnu. It is hence that one does not find Vishnu to have any off-springs/children. Brahma is the cooperating agency for this task done by Vishnu.)
2- From a process of division. This is quite common. Yet it is not visible normally because it is of a hidden nature. In this process, a soul is divided to carry forward some of the attributes of the original soul and then regenerated to function as fully independent souls. One can well understand this process from the process of cell division that takes place within our bodies. (This is the path that is followed principally by Shiva.)
3- From a process of mating. This is the most common and accepted form all over. Its understood as the process of reproduction and a mating is needed between opposite sexes for this to happen. (This is the path that is followed principally by Brahma. Vishnu is the cooperating agency for this task done by Brahma.)
Q. Does this mean that as many souls that be created, as many minds and as many bodies shall be created?
A. Yes, definitely. The creation of a soul is not originated by its own choice. It is not the soul nature to create itself. It is not the cause of its origin. It has just come of an origin. Its nature is to return back to its origin. And this origin goes back to the point of the first evolution and that is the wish of the supreme soul to view its inner self ‘I’. And the journey of all souls is towards this single origin. It just takes up different courses to reach to the destination of origin and as be the course chosen so would the pattern evolve for this journey and the time that would be needed for the same. Thus, every soul essentially originates with a plan already implanted with its formation from its origin. And it thus has to function as per the laid plan even if it wishes and needs to be back at its origin. It is for the execution of the laid out plan that the mind gets created and then the body gets created that can actually execute the plan on the ground of reality. The purpose of mind is to lead the body to execute the plan that is laid for the soul. The mind needs the vehicle of the body to execute its commands. Thus gets created the assembly of soul, mind and body that is principally designed to fulfill the soul objective of returning back to its origin.
Q. That sounds simple enough. Then where does the complexity come from?
A. The mind. While it originated to fulfill the objective of the soul, it deviated from its program and re-designed its own program. Under this program, it so performed that it put the soul itself into a spin of multiple directions to be pursued. All this being so because the mind has the primal intent of holding the power that it possesses upon the body, and this is not just its own allocated body that it so keenly desires to control, rather it keenly desires and stretch its zone of control even on other minds that are assigned with other bodies. The mind even took up the pure original intent of the supreme soul and thus commenced a process of controlling even the soul. It began the process of attempt to master the soul. This being technically out of its bound, it created a chaos by accelerating the process of creation of souls through a process of division and mating. It is through this process that the mind created many of its images that function in exactly the similar manner and thus enhanced its power substantially. Simultaneously, the mind through the same process increased the workload of the soul because of creation of its own attributes that were functioning as independent souls and moving through different bodies that had different capacities. Thus, the soul was put into a great spin by the mind through a congregation of bodies that moved in different time zones. One can imagine this working of the mind from the works of fiction that one reads or watches in movies. The human brain creates a super human kind of robot that has super human abilities and is created to work for the wellness of humankind. And what happens is that this very created robot through its own intelligence reprograms itself and becomes equally dangerous and capable of creating havoc on the human race.
Q. That surely sounds complex now. What does the soul do now? It surely appears to be trapped in a no hope situation?
A. The soul that by nature is a witness sets itself to the task. It begins a process of registering of the experiences that the mind is leading it into. It is through these registrations that the soul is compiling a mega database for itself as to the manner in which the mind functions. While the soul is registering these experiences, the body is led through a series of actual experiences. This is the manner in which the soul is enlightening itself through the enriched knowledge that comes through the registration of the evolved experience. The soul does all this in a dormant manner allowing the mind to believe that it has been mastered. The soul knows through its wisdom that for its objective to be achieved, it needs to tame the mind. And to tame the mind, it needs a huge database that unveils the innumerable manner in which the mind can function. Once the soul has compiled enough information in its database, it moves. It moves from here onwards very purposefully and objectively to fulfill it’s laid purpose. It is amazing when the soul begins to move because while at least one mind is needed to handle one soul, or in mostly observed cases, so many minds are needed to manage one soul, a single moving soul goes out to manage and tame many minds. When the soul moves, the whole scenario rapidly shifts and so many minds are led through a course of experiencing. In either case, be it a mind or be it a soul, it is the body that is definitely subjected into experiencing.
When the soul moves, it is not a single soul that moves. The soul assimilates its own soul mates and it is like a huge soul family that begins moving once a single soul commences to move. The movement of the soul that matters here is the movement that at least an awakened soul undertakes. This awakened soul is following a pattern that is initiated through from a point of an enlightened soul, which is following a pattern initiated by a cosmic soul, which is following a pattern initiated by the whole soul, which is functioning in accordance to the supreme soul.
Q. This is interesting! Soul family also existing just as the family in which we live.
A. Yes. But this soul family exists with a difference than what is understood as a family we live. The family in which we live is something that is contained in a time capsule and the nomenclature assigned to relationships within the family are all in the pattern of this time capsule. But in the case of a soul family the time capsule is huge and spans over many life times. So the standard norms that are clearly understood in the normal family may not exactly be so in the soul family. And there are possibilities of strange super impositions existing in the case of soul family. For example, in a real family, the child has got to be smaller in age than the parents. Not so in the case of a soul family, where it is possible that the child may be elder in age than the parents. This is so because what we are used to count as age is the time that the physical body has been in existence. In the case of the soul family, the same logics as prevailing in the real family exist, but here it is the time since when the soul has been in existence that is counted and not the physical body.
Q. It is also said that this should not be a path that should be chosen. Why so?
A. First of all, it is a misleading notion that has been circulated through some spiritual circles or sects. Anybody who is truly on the spiritual path is bound to get on this lane. Hence it is better that instead of continuing to be kept in darkness on the subject, one awakens oneself to it. The reason that it is promoted through spiritual circles for one to stay away from this path is because the rapid pace that sets in once this highway is touched. Everything gets accelerated with this. And actually to a great extent, not many are in a position to extend any guidance on this path because they themselves have never been on it even if they are connected deeply with the spiritual field. This path has the capacity to raise one up to the sky heights. Also, this path has the capacity to sink one into the earth depths. This is strongly dependent upon one’s ability to stay over the ground while being within the sky. It is a great spiritual art that is based upon gratefulness, truth, knowledge, belief, patience, sustenance, sacrifice, freewill and love. Not all can thus be able to be in this. (It is hence that in SBS, before one is given an entry in the field of ‘Siddhi’, it is mandatory to clear the test that is put up through a state of ‘Pre-Siddhi’. Unless one clears the pre-siddhi state, one cannot enter this field. Thus, through this selection process, only those limited people are cleared in who can be on this path in a manner such that one aims for oneself to reach into the sky heights.) There is an alternate way by which one could still be on this, and that is not through oneself but through an attachment with another soul operating from elevated levels. But even on this way of movement, a great degree of the above mentioned qualities are needed.
Q. What is this all so important about soul mate then?
A. It has been explained earlier as to what is the meaning of a soul mate. But that explanation is not widely understood and what is commonly understood in prevailing worldly conditions is that a soul mate is that soul connection between two individuals of opposite sexes which corresponds to the worldly relationship as understood to be as that of a husband/wife. It is generally considered to be that connection that is of the highest order and that which is vitally important for the soul to be on the path of fulfillment of its objective. It is also normally accepted to be as that connection that can bring forth the wellness on all levels.
Q. Oh! So in other words, it can be said that the husband and wife are soul mates! Does this imply that thus, each soul has its own specific single soul mate? But these days, one finds that not one but more than one marriage are possible. How does this theory apply then in such a case?
A. No and yes, both. To understand this, one needs to further understand this connection itself because it is the single most important connection that initiates the movement of the soul.
There can be different types of soul mates:
1- That which has initiated from within the soul itself without any division of the soul itself. If its a male embodiment from which such an emergence has occurred, then the emergence would occupy a female embodiment and vice-versa. Such an emerged soul is like a perfect mirror image of the soul from which it has emerged, and is considered as the prime soul mate. This type of soul mate is purely complementary in nature and it holds the key to the fulfillment of the soul objective. It is supportive by nature to the movement of the soul.
2- That which has emerged from an activity from two other souls occupying a male and a female embodiment. The soul that is such created can occupy either a male or a female embodiment. Such an emerged soul shows the mixed characteristics of the mating souls called in as the father and mother soul and the soul genetics that may have been inherited by these parent souls. This is considered to be as the principal soul mate. This type of soul mate is both complementary and supplementary in nature and it holds the key to the fulfillment of the soul objective. It is supportive by nature to the movement of the soul.
3- That which has initiated from within the soul itself with the soul itself being divided in the process. Such an emergence can occur from a male or a female embodiment and the emerged can also be either a male or a female embodiment. Such an emerged soul shows mixed or variant characteristics and classically goes into the field of differentiation. This is considered to be as the primary soul mate. This type of soul mate is purely supplementary in nature and it holds the key to the fulfillment of the soul objective. It is both, supportive and opposing by nature to the movement of the soul.
4- That which are connected with an association of proximity. These can also be in the form of male or female embodiments. These evolve from the worldly levels. This type of soul mate is a mixed bag that is a combination of complementary and supplementary. This type employs this mixed nature in a variant manner in accordance to its own mind patterns that could be fluctuating as and along with the tide of time. It is given an important positioning because of the soul moves through an embodiment but it does not hold any key to the fulfillment of the soul objective. It is opposing by nature to the movement of the soul.
5- That which are connected with an association of friendship. These can also be in the form of male or female embodiments. These evolve from the worldly levels. While these may not actually be the kind of soul mates as described to be accepted as husband/wife type, these are very close and share an intimate bond on the soul level. This type of soul mate is a mixed bag that is a combination of complementary and supplementary. This type employs this mixed nature in a variant manner in accordance to its own mind patterns that could be fluctuating as and along with the tide of time. It is given an important positioning because of the soul moves through an embodiment but it does not hold any key to the fulfillment of the soul objective. It is symbolic of true affection, sincerity and submission. These are always supportive by nature to the movement of the soul.
** The above explanation is given on the basis of the hypothesis that god is male by origin. Thus here above, it is the male embodied soul that may be considered to be as the one, which is into the lead movement while the soul mates, would be the female embodied souls.
** Islam that permits a male to have four wives has employed this theory in an unquote manner.
** For the logicians, this theory also makes sense in a different manner because on an approximate basis if the world’s population is considered in gender basis, then there is always a situation that the man to woman ratio is greater than 1 : 2-3
** If one looks deeply into the vedic culture, one finds this an employed practice. Even if hindu mythology is explored, one can find examples to this effect existing even with the godly forms.
While this is the theory, this may not be in exactly the same form as described. The soul has been into a journey already and has evolved itself through various life spans. Also during the course of these journeys, there are possibilities of super-impositions also existing even on the soul realms. Thus, while the above may form the basis, it may not exactly be so in every soul’s case. It could well be a super-imposed state that a soul may encounter as to this topic of soul mates.
** For example, if one considers the example of Krishna who had three principal wives and thousands of other wives. Radha corresponded to the soul mate aspect as covered by type 1. Rukmini corresponded to the soul mate aspect as covered by type 2 and type 4. Satyabhama corresponded to the soul mate as covered by type 3 and type 4. The thousands of other wives or so called women liberated by Krishna or Gopis corresponded to the soul mate as covered by type 5. Thus Krishna had three regular soul mate types of which one was pure and the other two were super-imposed type.
The most ideal state of soul mate connection would be such that all the aspects covered from type 1 to type 4 be covered in just a single embodiment. That is quite rare. It represents an almost perfect state for the soul to move on its objective.
** The one example that comes to a straight reference to such a state is that of Rama. Sita represented the single super-imposed state of all the four aspects of soul mate in a single embodiment. And, thus Rama is rightly refered to as the Maryada Purushottam or the Most Excellent Man who is always well within each and every boundary that anybody can look at from. It is this perfect state where in one finds simplicity, sincerity, commitment, truth and love unified into oneness. And it is through this view point that one could well understand the supreme role that Krishna played. That of establishing and unifying truth and love together in a highly complex situation in a playful, cheerful manner. This could be done only through deep knowledge and understanding that is self reflective from the epic Gita that evolved directly through Krishna.
Q. All that sounds like coming in from the male dominated view and standpoint. What about the women in this changing era of women lib?
A. In the case of women too, there is an underlain path. One again needs to look into the depths of the era of Krishna to find the answers to such questions. There are in fact two paths that have been shown through a woman. But both of these paths again could not move even after its initiation and had to take up the course of the path as described above. Either it is that or it is such that not much further is known about the path that evolved from a woman.
The first path shown in the case of a female embodied soul being the initiator is that of creation of an offspring through the process 1 of the process of creation of soul. The offspring souls that be created of such a female embodied soul needs to be having the qualities of:
– Sacrifice, bravery and faithfulness
– Righteousness and truth
– Strength and ruggedness
– Achiever, fearless and intelligent
– Compassionate, joyful and caring
– Handsome, playful and loving
The second path shown in the case of a female embodied soul being the initiator is that of having soul mate or mates that have each of the above qualities.
** Example to this is the example of Kunti in the epic Mahabharata who created 6 sons and Draupadi who just through the mere unintended instruction given by Kunti to her 5 sons ended up being married to all the 5 sons. While this is definitely a path that has been evolved from a female embodiment soul, not much is known about this path. It is normally concluded that this path could not move much because of the lack of leadership from the initiating point itself and had to be discarded off.
From the above, however a direction is definitely evolved as to the characteristics of the soul mate of a female embodied soul that is needed for the fulfillment of the objective of the female embodied soul. The characteristic that should be needed in the male embodied soul to classify as an ideal soul mate of the female embodied soul are as described above. Again, here in the case of a female embodied soul, in the ideal condition, it would be just one single embody having it all. If not, then these could exist as super-imposed souls in different embodiments. It is unfortunate that no religion acknowledges this or gives this freedom to a female embody soul.
Q. All right. What happens if one does find a soul mate?
A. The soul takes over the work that was so far being executed by the mind. And from here onwards it is the soul that ultimately moves the body in accordance to the fulfillment of its objective. The mind is no longer important to manage the body any more. There can be a period of tussle between the mind and the soul for some period and all of this would reflect upon the body because the body is used both by the mind and the soul. The soul would ultimately tame the mind into its submission. And this is not by force, but through love and firm conviction in the path being followed and the righteousness of it. When this does happen, there is an overflow of wellness and abundance from all over. In the period of tussle, there could be a feeling of undergoing through the dark ages.
The soul once having come in contact with its soul mate is by itself attracted towards it. The actual activations that matter the most for the objective fulfillment of the soul come into effect only after each of the two embodiment souls that are the mate souls realize their being the soul mates. This realization also comes through by itself. This is a natural process. And is a pure process even if this is moving through embodiments.
Q. How does one find a soul mate?
A. One does not actually need to find out a soul mate. It is a happening. One cannot actually go out and find a soul mate. It is a happening. It is a natural process through which the entire cosmos is functioning and every soul that has uplifted itself through its various embodied journeys would be by itself led into this. This is the manner in which the soul moves to fulfill its objective of going into the unified state or the state of nirvana.
There are highly evolved souls existing in the cosmos as lords and deities, enlightened masters who are observing the progress of souls that are compatible to their path of journey. It is from this level that the selection of souls is done that can take up this highest path. And from this level another point of an awakened soul is created to guide an assembly of souls to move together to a common destination. It is through such a process that revelations of soul mate occur. It is not a subject of choice. It is just a matter of acceptance or rejection. If accepted, the embody moves on ahead with the soul. If rejected, the embodiment does not and so does not the soul. Every embodiment has a free will to make this choice. This is not forced upon in any manner upon any embodiment. As be the choice that an embodiment makes, so be the experiences that it would experience having accepted or rejected the divine plan.
Q. Any body could be attracted towards anybody and may call this a soul mate connection. How does anybody validate the genuinity of a soul mate connection?
A. Every genuine soul mate connection comes in with an endorsement. These endorsements are the so-called and accepted as miracles. The endorsements or miracles that can indicate a genuine soul mate connection are commonly indicated through manifestations in the form of:
– Fragrance spread
– Vibhuti
– Light-works
– Physical manifestations – amulets, rings, coins, etc
– Appearance of permanent marks of significance on the body
– Manifestation of dream or vision sequence in a manner such that a material item of prominence in the dream is manifested in some manner
– Amrit or clear water drops upon body, photo or some utensil
– Tear formation and flows for no obvious reason just through a plain simple talk or presence of somebody
– Out of acceptable norm of happenings with computers, mobile phones or electronic equipments
Q. What exactly is this path of soul mating?
A. This is a path that is under the command field of Vishnu who is assimilating the broken fragments and combining it continuously into matching blocks. (if one considers the creation of soul through Brahma supported by Vishnu, then soul mating is a path of unification of soul that is executed through Vishnu supported by Brahma. The process is similar but directed opposite. This also extends into the domain of operations through the soul creation occurs through Shiva. In this field, again it is Vishnu that does a process of unifying. But in this area, this is done alone and not with the support of Brahma. This is an area of tussle because Shiva and Vishnu are aligned into opposition. Even on this path, a state comes whereby both Shiva and Vishnu overcome their internal differences and work unified to unify. From herein evolves a state of Balaji, the super state that brings forth abundance in astonishing manner. It is in the end that Vishnu finally sets itself to take up the path that is wholly under its own command and that being of self-through emergence.) This is the highest path of spirituality through which one can actually attain the state of nirvana. This opens up the nirvana sector that is projected as something that can be achieved only by the great spiritual gurus and not the common man. With this even a common man can achieve the nirvana state and enroute this path gain many siddhi’s. The living example of this path is the Master Krishna.
Q. What are the limits of this path?
A. This is a path of soul. Soul has practically no limits. Thus this path also does not have any limits. The needs of this path are development of deep knowledge, ability to understand and put into practice what be understood and ability to move with a free flow. Equally important is the alignment with which one moves on this path and the extent of commitment and faith that one has on this path. One needs to have an immense strength to move on this path and also be prepared to make sacrifices if and when needed on this path. One needs to be in love to move on this path. One needs to expand the field of love so that it spreads to all when moving on this path. One needs to be truthful to move on this path. One needs to have the persistence and deep inner resolve to be on this path.
Q. Can there be disturbances on account of this path being followed?
A. Yes there can be. The disturbances are a part of this path. An embodiment is made up of a body, a mind and a soul. While these are considered and expressed as separate, it is impossible to separate these fully and these are super-imposing on one another. The disturbances are created from the mind level. These disturbances can be created in either way, that of moving in opposition to the path of soul mating or that of moving in the direction of the path of soul mating.
Q. If this is the path of such importance, why is it so that the great spiritual masters have not followed it? Or is it that there has been any other path that is followed by such masters? Also, it has been mentioned that soul mate is like a husband/wife relation. There are so many spiritual masters who have not been married at all. What about them? Do they not have any soul mates? And what about the husbands and wives when they come to know that there is another husband or wife, be it so coming even from the angle of a soul mate?
A. The truth is that the spiritual masters have themselves followed this path and are following this path even today. They have just not discussed it because this subject is a bit difficult to be discussed openly. If one reads the spiritual journeys of spiritual masters, one invariably finds that at a certain stage they seem to have been deciding that it is now their time to leave their homes, and they do so? The reason that is given to the public and explained is that it has been a calling of the god that got them to do so. What sense does thi