Mystify your mind, let the body be natural and seek your soul. Do this all with us. Let us all survive to fullest. Find all tensions resolved. We just don’t give you information we are there for you……
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The web site provides you with up-to-date and accurate selective information about health, wealth, prosperity and abundance to make your own choices.
The web site covers two main sections, ancient sciences and newest up-to-date theories on mind, body ‘n’ soul. Not only the articles of the related categories help you realize the mind, body n soul healing science but as well the current topics of latest researches keep you informed of the day-to-day human development.
Positive Thinking
Positive thinking is simply a mental attitude which can help just about anybody to overcome life’s obstacles and to also help make their dreams come true. You may not be born with a silver spoon, but, thinking positive can help you achieve really great results in life. A positive thinker only anticipates health, happiness and love. With positive thinking, we can begin great actions and expect outstanding achievements.
All great saints and philosophers have consistently preached positive thinking.
A man is but the product of his thoughts; what he thinks, he becomes.
Can Positive Thinking Be Learned?
The answer is a big fat YES! Thinking positive is a skill that one can learn through regular practice. Yes, you may have experienced or are experiencing a really hard situation in your life right now, but being bitter and angry is not going to help – not at all!
Excellence is not act but a habit.
Cultivating the habit of positive thinking is really worth it.
Positive Thinking is Infectious!
Even if most people around us do not realize this, they are influenced by our thoughts and our feelings. Think about it, don’t you always think of hanging out with people with positive thinking attitudes each time you want to share an idea for a business or personal project? You do this because you know that their positive thinking attitude will gear you forward. We instinctively steer clear away from negative thinkers.
- Thinking right now enhances energy and removes energy blocks
- Universe conspires to help those who dare to dream – (Alchemist)
- Be an alchemist of positive thinking mind body soul.
- This inspires, programs and conditions every cell of the body to be a
- Live wire positive thinking force .
Got Positive Thinking?
Thinking positive is excellent for you! – Seriously, I am not making this up!
Do you know that negative thinking, words and action produces negative feelings and attitudes? When you see positive thinking as a waste of time and you focus on thinking negative, your body will start to release unhealthy substances straight into your blood stream, resulting in even more negativity and unhappiness. Negative thoughts take away all of your energy, which leads to chain reactions, horrible decisions, bad health, disappointments, self hatred, depression and even failure to succeed in life.
You have to force the positively in yourself and get out of this vicious circle.
Positive Thinking – Getting Results
Please know that effective positive thinking does not come by simply repeating a couple of positive affirmations, or simply say to yourself that everything is going to be mighty fine. Thinking positive MUST be a main part of your mental attitude. It is really not enough to think positive for only a couple of minutes and then allowing fear and or lack of belief seep into your mind. Cultivating a positive thinking attitude will require some work on your part.
Here are a couple of actions and tips that will help you in developing the power of positive thinking:
Use only positive word in your thoughts and in your speech. Words are very powerful energy. You can use words such:
- I can
- It is possible
- It can be achieved
- I am more than able
- I am born to be successful, healthy, wealthy and wise.
- I have all the powers .I am born in the image of God.
- Success in all the fields is my birth right and I am blessed to have it
- Smile, laugh, dance wholeheartedly and enhance your divine energy
- Breathe in deeply exhale slowly Meditate , be aware of your being
- Awareness has the divine powers to burn all the negative thinking patterns
- Only focus on feelings of joy, strength and success. You are a spiritual being in human experience.
- You are traveling on the planet mother earth.
- Travel the best nothing but the best
- Smile, laugh, dance wholeheartedly and enhance your divine energy
- Breathe in deeply exhale slowly Meditate , be aware of your being
- Awareness is the divine power which burns all the fears and negative thinking patterns
- Life is a dream and vision. Have the best of both.
- Mind does not distinguish between imagination and reality.
- Imagine and deliberately create positive visuals in your mind
- Enhance your comfort zone .Confront the fear and the fear is gone
- Change is the only constant thing in the Universe.
- Manage the change boldly and with positive thinking mind .
- Most important are the relationships. Life is a relationship. If relationships are resolved all questions of life are resolved.
- Now-Now-Now become your own best friend. Create the finest relationship with your self
- Love your self – repeat the mantra – I love my self – I love my self – I love my self- go on and on. This leads to positive thinking mind body soul .
- Celebrate life as it is.
- A word of caution Very high intensity of positive thinking may cause a vanity syndrome.
- Be aware and watch yourself. Keep your Mind Body Soul in harmony with meditation and love for all beings.
- Try your best not to pay attention to negative thoughts. Replace negative thoughts with positive thoughts. Use the power of awareness.
- Use words that evoke mental images and feelings of joy ,health, wealth and happiness
- Give your self a treat by reading an inspiring book (at least one page each day)., listening to the music you love.
- Read books that inspire you and watch movies that make you laugh.
- Reduce the time you spend reading newspapers and watching the news.
- Always exude confidence – watch your body language.
Learn the art of positive thinking and look forward to favorable circumstances and results, even though your present situation are really not how you want them to be. It is only a matter of time; your mental attitude will go on to affect your life and situations positively.
There is a song – I am getting stronger and stronger every moment – no matter what
Prince Mohan
Resource Box .
About the author
Prince Mohan is an accomplished entrepreneur with an Ocean of knowledge and experience in Life Sciences. He mentors his followers to achieve their goals in life. With laser focused energy and have best of relationships all around.
He guides – If you adopt.